
Monday, May 14, 2012

A few amazing women

Yesterday I got to celebrate a few of the wonderful women in my life. I got to spend time with my mom, grandma and mother-in-law who are all amazing and inspiring women.

My grandma "Junebug" is 86 and still loving life. She is active, hilarious and beautiful. Her relationship with my grandpa is one of the sweetest love stories I have ever witnessed. My grandma is strong, successful and disciplined. I hope I got lots and lots of her genes.
My mother in law raised my amazing husband and for who she helped him become I will always be thankful. My mother in law treats me like her own daughter (even though she already has 3) and has since Drew and I's first date way back when I was 16. She is like a second mom to me and her giving spirit and quiet strength are qualities I truly admire.
My Mom...where do I even begin? My mom is a woman people want to be around because she is always smiling and full of joy. My mom has prayed for me longer than anyone else, taught me more than anyone else and has been there for me anytime I have ever needed her. She sends me notes in the mail just because, brings me dinner when I'm sad and encourages me to press on when times are hard.
I am so blessed to have these women in my life. They have shown me by example characteristics I hope to teach my own children someday.


  1. What a sweet post - they all seem like such great ladies!

  2. So sweet, I'm sure they are equally as happy to have you around :)

  3. oh i just love your mom! she has a stunningly beautiful spirit. hope you had a great time celebrating with these awesome women!!

  4. your grandma junebug is the cutest thing ever! (of course, I DO love old people more than most...) glad you are blessed with such great women in your life!

  5. You are so blessed to have so many great women around you. I am sure this is what makes YOU such an amazing woman!

  6. Did you get your mom the Pioneer Woman cookbook? She will love it!!! Glad you had a nice day with all of these ladies!

  7. What you said about your mother-in-law is probably the sweetest thing that could be said. You must be a fine daughter-in-law... Goh, my eyes are welling up!

    Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi
