
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I'm loving...summer wish list

Summer is so close I can taste it. This year has stretched me in more ways than I thought possible. I have never had a more challenging class. This group of kids have given me gray (yes gray) hairs at the young age of 26, they have caused me to gain weight due to stress eating Nutella every day after school annnnnnd they have caused me to start grinding my teeth at night, which resulted in a mouth guard. How can I blame these precious children for my issues? Trust me I can. I love them dearly and pour my heart and soul into helping them be successful but I am ready for summer vacation!!!! So instead of grading papers or working on report cards I'm making my summer wish list.

This summer I want to CREATE...
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

                                                                          Source: via Allison on Pinterest

                                                                            Source: via Allison on Pinterest

This summer I want to GO...
1. camping with my husband
                                                                                         Source: via Allison on Pinterest

2. On a fancy picnic
                                                                                    Source: via Allison on Pinterest

3. To the beach
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

This summer I want to TRY...
1. A new hairstyle or 2
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

2. Tom's wedges
                                                                                             Source: via Allison on Pinterest

3. To get back in shape! I'd love to try Lauren Conrad's Bikini boot camp.
                                                                              Source: via Allison on Pinterest
4. To start each day with a smoothie...I currently don't eat breakfast (GASP!) I know it's terrible I just don't have time and I'm never hungry right away.
                                                                             Source: via Allison on Pinterest

These are just a few things on my summer wish list...what are some things on yours? Linking up with Jamie for What I'm loving Wednesday.


  1. Love your wish list! I saw an idea on Pintrest where you can freeze your individual smoothies by combining fruits and yogurt in little baggies. I've yet to try it.

    I also totally understand the challenging class...I've put on a few pounds this year, too. I've even taken up running, and I still haven't caught up! But summer's almost here!

  2. Awesome wish list! And I hear ya on the no breakfast. I'm terrible about eating food in the morning.

  3. I wish all these things for you this summer! Teacher especially need to treasure those precious 10 or so weeks off. If you don't, you'll never feel ready to go back to school.

  4. sounds like the perfect wishlist! lets craft together this summer! i feel ya on being deserve an awesome summer vacation :)

  5. I love that window pane shelf! I want to go camping with my hubby too! I think it'd be so fun!

  6. Love that tray! I kind of want to paint everything with chalkboard paint!

  7. YES! To all of the above! This looks like a fabulous list! :)

  8. What a fun list!!! My bff is a kindergarten teacher, and she counts down the days to summer just like you :) Love your blog!!! So cute!

  9. Such gorgeous pins! Love the TOMS wedges - besst ever!
