
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Birthday pancakes!

I finished this order yesterday and decided to have a little photo shoot with it.
Today is my 27th birthday and even though it's not even 10am here in Ohio I already feel so spoiled. My husband had to attend some professional development this morning so he left me sweet notes and presents all over the house! And yes he wrapped them himself.
I also used the excuse that it was my birthday to finally try these amazing pancakes. Even if it's not your birthday you need to try these! Just click here for the recipe!!!
It is also the first official day of summer! I hope you get to enjoy something summer-ish today like a picnic, the pool or relaxing on your back porch with a good book and an ice cold drink!

Happy First Day of Summer!


  1. Happy birthday Allison!

    And - seriously you have the best husband - hands down.

    p.s. I didn't get around to making these pancakes. But now I MUST!!

  2. Happy Birthday (again) to you!!! ;) Birthday pancakes look and sound amazing, I hope you enjoyed them!

    I love that he left fun little gifts for you in the house-- birthdays are so much fun!!

  3. How sweet! I know you felt loved and cherished even though he couldn't be there in person.

  4. Happy happy birthday!!!!! I hope you have a great day! Those pancakes look amazing and YOU are the cutest thing!!

  5. your dress! adorable. happy happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

  6. happy birthday! i love the banner...that is seriously cute :) and the pancakes??? i think i NEED those for my birthday. i only wish it was only my 27th coming up....but we won't get into that! lol and that is adorably cute what your husband did. i might just "accidentally" leave your blog up on my computer screen for my hubs to see. with that part highlighted. with sticky note arrows pointing to it. and maybe even flashing neon lights. ;)

  7. Happy (belated) birthday! Hope it was great!! How was Valley Vineyards?? I've really been wanting to go there...and should because it is right up the road from us.

  8. Happy birthday!!

    Those pancakes look delicious!

    Just stopped by from Erin's blog, and I like your blog. Consider me your newest follower. :)

  9. Love the apron! Super cute. Happy Birthday!

  10. A) your husband is a sweetheart

    B) Those pancakes look incredible! I wonder if they'd make good waffles, because Sunday is waffle day in our house ;-)

    Happy birthday!! :)

  11. Happy birthday!!! Those pancakes look amazing!

  12. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you are having a great day!

  13. wellll, you know how much I love my birthday ... so I think my birthday will just have to be this weekend so that I can have birthday pancakes.

    oh boy, here I go again talking about my birthday when I'm supposed to be saying ...

    Happy Birthday!! And I mean it. Happy Birthday to you!

  14. Happy birthday! You look so cute in your apron holding those yummy pancaked! I hope you enjoyed your day!

  15. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great year!

    Your husband is sooo sweet!

  16. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I hope it was all that you wished for and more:-)

  17. Happy birthday and yay for birthday pancakes! Hope your day was fabulous!

  18. Aww! I love the picture and the pancakes look great! Happy lare bday!

  19. Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing the pancake recipe; those look delicious!

  20. those birthday notes from your hubby are ADORBS!! love your blog.

    want to follow each other?? xxo!

  21. Can't believe I missed your bday! So:
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Looks like ut was a wonderful one! What else did you do?? I've wanted to try those pancakes for years! Still need to.
