
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I'm Loving!

I'm linking up with Jamie and Michelle today to share a few things I'm loving today.

I'm loving my 3 day work weeks making Wednesday my new Friday for the summer. Doesn't that just make more sense anyway? Yes please!

I'm loving that my birthday is TOMORROW and that we have a fun weekend planned including a trip with friends to Valley Vineyards.
I'm loving my library card. I live within walking distance to a library and the number of cds, dvds and books I've checked out just the past 2 weeks alone could fill a shopping cart.

I'm loving free summer concerts!
I'm loving my new Tom's wedges! Yes my husband got the hint and he even let me have them early.
I'm loving my pins this week. I was looking for inspiration on how to wear my new maxi skirt and I think I found some!
                                                                           Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                             Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                   Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                  Source: via Allison on Pinterest

And last, but not least I'm loving my amazing husband. The fact that he is an animal lover is only one of the many reasons I love him!
What are you loving today?


  1. My birthday is tomorrow also! :)

    Happy Birthday.

  2. I'm loving those maxi skirts, as well! Adorable. Happy early birthday, girl!

  3. I love maxi skirts but am not sure if I can pull one off because of my hips.. i feel like i'd have to wear them high up on my waist and that would make them more of a midi skirt than a maxi then lol.. i love that last yellow maxi photos!

  4. Happy early birthday Allison! Have an awesome trip!

  5. Happy early birthday!! Hope it is a great one!

  6. Wooo! Which wedges did you get?! I love me some TOMs, but I just have the shoes so far, haven't tried the wedges, you'll have to let me know if they're comfy!!

    Where are you doing free summer concerts at? I know they are all over, but never sure if they'll be any good! ;)

    Ps- just noticed you have my old button on your sidebar! First off-thanks! 2nd, I need to get my new one up on my blog so you can replace ;)

  7. Guess what?!?! We are birthday buddies, my birthday is on Friday!!!! Happy early birthday, friend!!! Enjoy your day :)

  8. I'm loving all these things too but my birthday is not tomorrow. We moved to a house where the library was walking distance and they are remodeling it for like 3 years. Bummer!

  9. What a great list! I visit my local library way too often and I've been dying to get Toms wedges. I hope you feel so special on your birthday. :)

  10. Happy Birthday! And, I'm jealous of your Toms wedges, I totally want some!

  11. I want to get off on Wednesday and be done for the week!! That sounds amazing. Or I just want to be a stay at home wife. Haha. Please!

  12. Happy birthday (now!) LOVE those skirts - especially the pink one! Too cute - love your fashion sense :)

  13. Hope you had a great birthday!

    I share your love of being within walking distance of a library.
