
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Date Night at the Drive-In!

The other night Drew and I decided to pack ourselves a picnic and head to the drive-in! We got there early and spread out our picnic dinner then hung out on our picnic blanket until the sun went down. We had the best time and laughed until we cried during Madagascar 3. If you haven't watched Madagascar you need to! You can thank me later. We snacked on Sour patch kids and visited the old school snack shack for ice cream before the next show, Snow White and the Huntsman, which definitely kept my attention. I think I only dozed off  shut my eyes for a second. We had a perfect evening and stayed out later than we have in years.
Picnics always lead to photo shoots

And since I was actually proud of my date night outfit you get to see a few more pictures...
Skirt: Forever 21, Shirt: Forever 21, Belt: Gifted, Sandals: GAP, Necklace: Across the Pond
If you have a drive-in anywhere near you I would highly recommend going!


  1. I didn't know that these were still around! So cool!

  2. That is the perfect summer date night! I love your outfit...very beautiful.

  3. So fun! I've been dying to see Madagascar 3. Love your necklace too, I've been thinking about ordering one from Megan

  4. This looks like so much fun and I just love the pictures you took! Your date night outfit is cute too!

  5. We just sad Madagascar 3 last week and CRACKED UP too, we loved it!

    I love your date night outfit girly, sooo pretty! :)

    BUT-- I am a little upset with you. You were at STARLITE... and no joke, we live 3 miles down the road from that!! AHHH! We must meet!!

  6. Soooooooo fun!! I'm glad you had such a good time! I haven't been to a drive in in forever!! And I love your outfit! You look gorgeous!

  7. So fun! I was just explaining to someone yesterday about what a bummer it is that almost all of the Drive-Ins have closed in Oregon. I have only been one time and I was a kid.

  8. haha! I love your picnic blanket snapshots there! Too cute!

  9. This is so much fun! Such a good idea to bring a picnic along, too. Looking up where this is located right now :)

  10. you are so cute allison! i love your outfit and a drive in date night is an excellent night. you and your hubby are too precious

  11. Oh my goodness, you guys are SO cute! Love your snapshots!! And I love the drive in! There is one close to us and we love going to it. :)

  12. this REALLY makes me wish we had a drive in ANYWHERE near here. and i love the pics of you sweet :) cute outfit too! i'd say that was a pretty darn successful date night!

  13. What a fun and cute date night!

  14. You're so precious!! I wish that we had a drive in!!

  15. Aw looks like a great time. I love your photos.

  16. I am totally jealous. For one thing I have never been to a drive in but I have always wanted to go. Number two Madagascar is my favorite cartoon and I haven't been able to see the new one yet. Number three your outfit is adorable.

  17. This looks so fun! I haven't been to a drive in since high school...I need to go back!

  18. Looks like such a blast! We're planning on going to one in our area this summer. Cute outfit too!

  19. Everything about this is perfect! Your date location, your outfit and especially how happy you both look!

  20. that's like, the most perfect summer date. :) love!

  21. Just found you! You and your hubby are super cute! I love your freckles as well... I've got a whole bunch of mine own :) Freckles are the best!

    I am also from Ohio! Gotta love a fellow Ohioan :)

    Glad I found you!
