
Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Never Better"

"I will see you again, this is not where it ends. I will carry you with me." -Carrie Underwood 

My grandpa went to be with Jesus last night. I'm happy and relieved that his suffering is over, but I will miss having him here with me. My grandpa was a wonderful man, one of the best I have ever known. He taught me so many things in his 86 years that I will always carry with me.
My grandpa always made time for his family. I remember him sitting at a table at their farm and playing checkers with me for hours. He came to every sporting event, performance, graduation and birthday party that he could no matter what else he had going on.
My grandpa made me feel beautiful. Every time he saw me he would tell me that I was even prettier than the last time he saw me and I knew he meant it. That man knew how to make people feel special!
My grandpa taught me to love chocolate. Whenever I went to visit my grandpa I could be sure the cupboard would be stocked with snickers bars and he would always share them.
My grandpa showed me how to genuinely love others and make them feel special. Everywhere we went my grandpa could make anyone smile. When we went out to eat he would tease and joke with our waiters who knew him by name. My grandpa could light up a room.
My grandpa gave me my pale skin and freckles. I secretly like both of these qualities.
My grandpa showed me what true love is. My grandparent's love story is better than any Hollywood movie. Their love for one another is real and true. My grandpa kept a picture of my grandma is his wallet during the war, he loved my grandma through cancer, a car crash and three children. My grandparents worked together to run a farm where they constantly gave back to others. They both loved each other and the Lord and everyone could see that.

My grandpa taught me how to drive. Since my grandparents lived on a farm they had a golf cart that we were allowed to drive around even before we had a real license. My grandpa took us on many golf cart trips and actually taught all of us how to drive it.
My grandpa instilled in me a love for animals. My grandpa loved all creature great and small and took care of them. Because of my grandpa I too developed a love for all animals and I'm thankful for my years growing up on their farm!

Whenever anyone would ask my grandpa how he was, despite the circumstance he would always, always say that he was "Never Better." Because of my grandpa's love and devotion to the Lord I know that he is in heaven and that now more than ever before he can say he is "Never Better" and truly mean it.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, but it sounds like it is also something to celebrate knowing that he is in heaven :)

  2. Allison, this is a beautiful tribute to your grandfather.

  3. What a great life he had. We are going through a tough time with my grandma. This is a beautiful post and I will pray for peace for your family.

  4. Im sorry to hear about your loss. I love what you did for this post! Made me think of my granddad. :)

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your gramp last night. I lost my grandmother last fall and I still get sad that I won't be able to see her at any of our family get togethers, or bring over an italian to her house for lunch. But you're right, knowing that they are in a place without suffering is such a comfort and a relief.

  6. I am sorry for your loss, but it sounds like he was a really special person. I lost both of my grandfathers by the age of 8 so I never really had that. Cherish the memories and I will be praying for you.

  7. Sorry to hear about your loss. But I am so glad you have all these memories of what sounds like an amazing man. Keep your chin up. xo

  8. im so sorry allison for your loss...he sounds like such a wonderful man.

  9. Allison.

    I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your grandpa. Sounds like you had a very close and good relationship with him. Hold on to the memories and cherish them forever. Losing a grandparent is not fun, we don't realize how close we are to them until they are gone. I lost a grandpa in December and there are still days I struggle with not being able to hear his voice when I call grandma. So, my advice from one grieving granddaughter to another, live for your grandpa that is always pleasing to the One who loves us so much more! When we live for Jesus, it's not goodbye, just "see ya later". I will be praying for your family.

  10. So sorry for you friend. But this is a beautiful tribute.

  11. So sorry to hear the news, but I'm so happy you can smile knowing that you will be reunited again with him one day :) What an awesome relationship you guys have... thanks for reminding me not to take my grandparents for granted. I'll remember you and your family in my prayers during this time!! *Hugs*

  12. What a loving gift you have written for your grandpa. Sorry for your loss. It looks like he led an amazing life!

  13. so sorry for your loss! glad you have an eternal perspective about it, that really changes everything. He sounds like he was an amazing man.

  14. What a beautiful tribute to your grandfather. I am so sorry for your loss, but what a blessing to know you will see him again someday.

  15. I love this! It's such a comfort to know that your grandpa loved Jesus and is in heaven with him now. Great pictures and sweet words.

  16. My prayers go out to your and your family, Allison!
    But I'm so glad that you are at peace and know that he is in a much better place.
    Your grandpa seems like he was a one of a kind man - I'm so glad that you have so many wonderful memories to cherish! This post gave me goosebumps.


  17. Oh Allison, I'm so sorry! Your grandfather sounds like an incredible man- the way you described him actually sounded exactly like my Pawpaw, who I am SO close to. Instead of saying "never better" (Love that!), my Pawpaw's phrase is always "Super!" I can only imagine how difficult this is for you, but I'll be praying for peace and comfort for you and your family. Love you, sweet friend!

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss! It sounds like he was a truly incredible man. Losing a grandparent is never easy, but hopefully the amazing memories that you have of your time with him will comfort you.

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. . but it was a beautiful post. Loved the pictures. Loved everything about it. Stoked to start following your blog and learn more about you.

    we & serendipity

  20. You're lucky that you have so many great memories of your grandfather. You and your family will be in my prayers!

  21. You're lucky that you have so many great memories of your grandfather. You and your family will be in my prayers!

  22. This is incredible touching Allison =) Sounds like he was an incredible man. Will be praying for you and your family!

  23. What a wonderful man :) and what special moments captured in these photos and such a beautiful post to honor him. :)
    My grandpa went to heaven a few years ago, I bet our grandpas will become great friends :)

  24. I am so sorry for y'alls loss. Praying for y'all. So glad he is with the Lord now, safe and happy.
