
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Yellow Springs Part 1

This weekend Drew and I explored the town of Yellow Springs. We stayed at an adorable and historic Bed and Breakfast set off the main road, which had a very quaint and peaceful feel. This particular home once belonged to a federalist and had been restored and turned into a B&B.
The home had one of the few remaining original swinging doors, which were very popular in the 1800's so naturally we took a quick picture there. We showed up, got our own set of keys and the place was basically ours.
After exploring around our cute little B&B we headed to Clifton Gorge Nature Preserve, which is one of the main reasons we went to Yellow Springs. We chose a trail that wound along the river and said several times how much we felt like we were somewhere besides Ohio.
As we were hiking along Drew stops and says "I've seen this place somewhere before." Moments later he realizes it was a painting at the Art Museum. I of course looked at him and said "Um are you sure about that?" Sure enough when we got home and compared the pictures the painting in fact was taken at this exact spot in Yellow Springs!
One of Drew and I's favorite things to do together is hike. We worked together as camp counselors at a Nature preserve closer to home a few summers ago so it's obviously something we both enjoy. We had a perfect afternoon hiking along the trails. We even stopped on a cute little bridge to taste what is now our new favorite trail mix. From what I remember it is a mix of peanuts, white, dark and milk chocolate, almonds, cashews and walnuts. Yum!
You can find Part 2 of our trip here.


  1. Its all so beautiful! I love your pictures!

  2. so cute!! i cant wait to read about the rest! :D

  3. 1) I love cool B&B's.
    2) It's so cute that your hubby recognized the spot from a painting! Unreal.
    3) That trail mix sounds delish. I'm a raisin-hater and a chocolate yeah, YUM.

  4. That sounds and looks like it was so much fun! That B&B would be right up my alley and your room there looks so beautiful, as do you and that really great dress! Hiking is something my husband and I love but never get to do enough. Kudos to you and your hubs for getting out there and actually making time to hike. Sounds like you had a great weekend :)

  5. Thanks for linking up! Next time, please post the button to let everyone know that you linked up with us! :)

  6. Aww, so fun! I'm glad you guys had a good time- you are so cute together! I've never stayed at a B&B but they also looks so quaint and romantic, I'm dying to try it out!! :)

  7. how fun! I love those little getaways. And before kids it's really the time to take advantage of it all :-)

  8. How fun! What a beautiful place and a great time it looks like you had together :) Love the swinging half door! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm your newest follower!

  9. How fun!! We def don't have nature like that in or too near to LA. Looks/sounds like a fantastic trip :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  10. I do love those little weekend get-aways =)

  11. I do love those little weekend get-aways =)

  12. Y'all are so cute! I wish that we had pretty places like that around here!

  13. Looks like a wonderful time!! :)

  14. Awe, how fun! I love staying at B&Bs. There is always some cool story behind the places. Looks like you two love birds had an amazing time!! Love the hiking pics!

  15. Looks like a really great way to spend the weekend. I've never stayed at a B&B but I've always wanted to :) Gorgeous photos.

  16. That place looks gorgeous!
    I love that you 2 were camp counselors...I've always wanted to do that for a summer :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Monday, girl!

  17. Aw, that B&B is so adorable! I love staying in places like that! What fun!
