
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Blate...Cincinnati Style

This weekend was definitely a good one. Not only did I get to go ziplining with my sweet husband, but I also got to meet one of my favorite bloggers, Julie from the Smitten Mintons.

I've followed Julie's blog for about a year now, but with her living in California and me being here in Ohio I never thought we would ever get to actually meet. To my surprise Julie was going to be in Cincinnati for a family reunion and so we set up a blate...Cincinnati style. Her husband Doug is a huge baseball fan so we met at the Reds Stadium for a game. I also got to meet 2 other bloggers Brittany and Emma who also live in Cincinnati. We had a great time showing off our city!
Not only was the weather amazing, but we got to see a Red's Victory and see a free fireworks show!

Julie's first Skyline cheese coney! She loved it!

11 strike outs at the Reds Stadium=Free pizza and ice cream for everyone! You just can't beat that!
 Julie and I were obviously excited about our free food! Speaking of free stuff...Drew ended up catching a tshirt in his baseball glove as well. Win and win.
We ended the night sitting out at Fountain square with Graeters ice cream in hand. It was a wonderful blate! Isn't blogging just the best?

You can check out Julie's post about her Cincinnati visit here.


  1. this all sounds pretty awesome. I want free ice cream!

  2. Sounds like a great time! Fireworks :)

  3. How fun! A blog date- love the idea! I just haven't stumbled upon that many bloggers in the St. Louis area yet.

  4. How fun! I can't wait to meet some bloggers in real life! Looks like a great blate :)

  5. So fun, I read her blog too! I have never met an out of town blogger before.

  6. I had the best time meeting you!!! And I'm regretting that I didn't get another cheese coney before I left! I guess I'll have to come back :)

  7. I found your blog from Julie--looks like a great blate!!

  8. Isn't meeting blog friends the absolute best?! I have met several over the years from all over and I just can't get enough! Technology is fabulous :)

    Looks like you girls had an amazing time!

    First time to the blog and I hope you don't mind if I stick around!


  9. I had such a great time meeting you on Friday! It really couldn't have gone any better. I still can't believe Drew caught a shirt. Haha!

  10. SO FUN! Wish I'd been there! :) I am totally slacking on meeting other bloggers lol!!

  11. free ice cream and pizza?! thats awesome!!

  12. So so fun!!! I'm off to check out those girls blogs! I love all of the new Cincy bloggers!

  13. Amazing! I hope we can blog about a blate one day!

  14. Isn't zipling the best? Your blate looks fabulous. It's funny because I actually met Julie at a San Diego blogger get together. Looking at your pictures makes me want to go on a blate too, ha.
