
Monday, July 23, 2012


For our anniversary this year we decided instead of exchanging gifts we would cross an item off our Cincinnati Bucket list. We chose to go ziplining and had the best time! We went on the OZone Zipline Adventures at Camp Kern where they had brand new River ziplines!
Here is a map with our zipline course. We did the river tour so all our zipline stops are in blue. We did a total of 7 different ziplines including 2 across the Little Miami River.
We had a brief orientation then we got geared up and headed to our first zipline via a sky bridge.
Our zipline guides told us they would be taking pictures and posting them to a site where we could purchase them later, but I decided to risk taking my camera up with me because...well you are bloggers I don't need to explain myself!  Our guides were awesome and I felt very safe and relaxed the whole time we zipped. Now I'll let the pictures do the talking...
We both loved every second of our Zipline adventure together and want to go back again in the fall! Have you ever been ziplining?  


  1. Ahhh, HOW FUN! You guys are too cute and look like you had a blast!! I've never done a "real" zipline, our church set one up for us as kids one year, it was cool, but I'm sure NOTHING like going over a river and the woods!!

  2. Wow! That looks like so much fun!!! I did a zipline once and loved it... but this course puts that one to shame =)

  3. How fun! I have never been ziplining- I think I would be too scared; I don't really like heights at all. But if I over came my fear I would totally love to zipline!

  4. That looks like such a blast! I didn't know they did this at Camp Kern; I want to go!

  5. This is amazing:) I'm glad you took the plunge and brought your camera along so we could join in on the adventure! Ohio looks absolutely beautiful! Kev and I rode the ziplines on our honeymoon in was Amazing! love Kati e

  6. What a fun way to celebrate your anniversary! I ziplined in South Carolina last summer, but I'm slightly envious of your course!

  7. We're not big into exchanging anniversary gifts either. Instead we go on a trip or do something totally new together. I like the idea of this!

  8. oh my gosh !!! this looks all are brave! im not sure if brian and i would be brave enough to do this or not... but ahhh it looks like SO MUCH FUN :)

  9. So much fun!! I love zip lining!

  10. How stinkin fun!!! The Mister and I may need to look into this!

  11. FUN!!! SCARY!!! Lol! I want to try it one day but I am terrified of heights. Like can't use the stairs becuase I get dizzy and nauseous afraid.

    These are pretty awesome pics though!

    Thanks for linking up with us :)

  12. How fun! So wanted to go zip lining on our honeymoon but husband wasn't feeling it!

  13. soooo freakin awesome~

    hope ypu don't mind, but since you're one of my faves to read i tagged you in an 11 things post.

  14. Ahhhhh so funnnn!!! I had no idea Cincinnati had ziplines. We are from southeastern Ohio (Hocking Hills), so it's always in our heads to take advantage of the ziplines over there. But now that I know it is in Cincy, I may have to suggest this to my husband!

  15. Aw how awesome! Loved that you crossed something off your bucket list :)

    I went zip lining in St. Lucia during a cruise. It was a lot of fun! I definitely would do it again!

  16. This is so cool! I just did a zip line/ropes course yesterday and it was incredibly hard and scary. Your views looked amazing!

  17. That sounds like SO much fun! I wish we had a place like that here!!

  18. Oh my goodness, how fun! You are so much braver than I am! Loving your blog girl!

    Stop by and say hi sometime!

  19. sooo funn! we went ziplining on our honeymoon and I cannot wait to do it again.

  20. How much fun! We have been zip-lining and had a great time. We took our camera as well and dropped it! One of the guides went down and found it. It was broken but we got our card out of it which to me was all that mattered :) I didn't think it was near as scary as people made it sound. What did you think? I love the idea of doing things together instead of gifts :) Fun pictures you now have as memories!

  21. I have!! And I loved it. And this is another reason I need to come visit you. This place looks amazing.

  22. That looks like so much fun!! My manager goes ziplining a lot out near Zanesville and she loves it!!

  23. What a GREAT idea! I didn't know they did this, either. I'd be a nervous wreck, but I'd love to try it. Maybe I need to look at your bucket list and steal some fun ideas! Haha...You two are so cute!

  24. this looks so fun! i haven't ever been ziplining... i wanted to go on our honeymoon in st. lucia but i couldn't talk the hubs into it, he's scared of heights. maybe one day i'll convince him to go with me ;)

  25. SO fun!!! Who knew Cincinnati had ziplining?!

  26. next up ... skydiving.
    you've got this.

  27. I love that y'all did this for your anniversary! How fun. It looks like you had an amazing time! They have a zipline course here in Dominica that would be fun to check out. Great pics :)

  28. I went zipling two weeks ago.. I was scared to death at the beginning.. Now I want to go back!! :(
