
Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday's letters

Dear Baby Kitties,
I know you control me and all, but could you please let your momma sleep in past 7am? Don't you know it is summertime?!
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Dear Sweet Husband of Mine,
I'm so glad you are enjoying your new mountain bike. I can't wait to bike the Loveland bike trail with you and stop for some shaved ice!
Dear Pool,
Remember me? When I envisioned summer I envisioned hours and hours by the pool reading. That has not happened, but I did make my appearance yesterday and I will be back...tomorrow!
Dear S.J. Watson,
Thanks a lot for the book hangover. Your book Before I Go To Sleep was amazing. So amazing I read it in 2 days and am now left wanting more!
                                                                                        Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Dear Vanilla Macaroons,
You were so fun to make, but you are old news now after meeting and making the Blueberry Cheesecake macaroon! I think you deserve your own blog post for being so awesome. How does tomorrow sound?
Dear Blog Friends,
Aren't you so glad it's Friday?? I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Dear Husband (again),
Next week we get to celebrate our 3 year anniversary! I am more and more in love with you
Love, Allison


  1. What kind of bike did your husband get? We've been looking at bikes for.ever. and still have come to a decision. Blueberry Cheesecake macaroon? YUM!! Happy (early) Anniversary!!

  2. Stopping by from Fridays Letters. Hi, nice to "meet" ya!

    Those macaroons look heavenly, plus they are my favorite color. Do share the recipe :)

  3. Cat vs. Human always cracks me up! And is so true about cats being an alarm clock all of their own. Ours will start knocking stuff off of the nightstand or desk, or eat the toilet paper.. whatever he can do to annoy me until I feed him.

  4. I'm always looking for new books, so I'll definitely check out that one. :)

  5. I'm always looking for new books, so I'll definitely check out that one. :)

  6. Those macaroons look incredible, 10 points for you.

    Have fun at the pool- I'm super jealous!

  7. UM yum... I want to make macaroons! new follower :)

  8. The picture with the pets is hilarious, we have definitely been there with our dogs before. Now it's Pearl taking up all the space!

  9. Found your blog through the Friday's letters link up. It's super cute. Although now I'm leaving hungry for those macaroons (should not have scrolled down- now I'm really craving them lol). Congratulations (for next week) on 3 years. My husband and I celebrated our six year wedding anniversary yesterday. It flies by, doesn't it? New follower :)

  10. I want to make macaroons. They look amazing.

    And my bed looks kind of like that. Except I'm stuck in the middle. Basil takes up most of the bed.

    And EEEPP Three years?!! So exciting. Happy early Anniversary. xo

  11. Oh wow, blueberry cheesecake ones?! Send me one!! And seriously, I have't swam once this summer. That is shameful.

  12. Hi Allison! Looking forward to meeting you at the Reds game next week; I always love finding hometown bloggers!

    Those macaroons look delicious!!!

  13. those macaroons are making me drool!

    visit and say hello!

