
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blueberry Cheesecake Macaroons

Today I'm going to share the best recipe I'll probably ever share with you. These are one of the tastiest and most adorable little treats you will ever eat!
Courtney and I decided to take on vanilla macaroons last week and we were so excited they turned out. This week we took on a more fancy macaroon and it blew the vanilla macaroon out of the water.
Makes 16
Cast of character:
-3/4 cup ground almonds
-1 cup powdered sugar
-2 extra large egg whites
-1/4 cup sugar
-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
-blue food coloring

1/2 cup cream cheese
2 Tbsp. sour cream
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar
generous 1/2 cup of blueberries

Now let's get this macaroon making party started! Start by placing the ground almonds and powdered sugar in a food processor and process for 15 seconds. Sift the mixture into a bowl. Go ahead and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper for later.
Place the egg whites in a bowl and whip until holding soft peaks. Gradually beat in the sugar to make a firm, glossy meringue. (This step might take longer than you think so just be patient and make sure the consistency is as stated above.) Beat in the vanilla and enough food coloring to give the mixture a bright blue color! Colored macaroons are just more fun!
Using a spatula, fold the almond mixture into the meringue one third at a time. When all ingredients are incorporated, continue to cut and fold the mixture until it forms a shiny batter with a thick ribbon like consistency.
Pour the batter into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2 inch/1 cm plain tip. Pipe 32 small circles onto the prepared baking sheets. Tap the baking sheets firmly onto a work surface to remove air bubbles (important step people!). Let them stand at room temperature for 30 minutes while the oven preheats to 325 degrees F.
Bake for 10-15 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes then carefully peel macaroons from parchment paper and let cool completely.

To make the filling, beat cream cheese, sour cream and powdered sugar together until smooth. Lightly crush the blueberries and fold into mixture. Use to sandwich pairs of macaroons together.
*Due to the ingredients in the filling you might want to put these in the refrigerator until you're ready to munch on them, but keeping them in overnight makes them soggy so this is me telling you it's really okay to eat them all in one sitting!
You can check out Courtney's version of our macaroon date here. Please let me know if when you make these and you can thank us later! What are you waiting for???
 Recipe from: Macaroons-30 recipes for perfect bite size treats from LOVE FOOD
*All pictures taken and edited by Nestful of love. Feel free to pin, but please site your source!

Linking up with Tasty Tuesday!


  1. Those look lovely! ahh not helping my sweet tooth. Might have to go out and buy something sweet now :)

  2. ahhh! love it! your pictures turned out great!! i need to post too :D

  3. I am impressed! This is so unique! I love how you call the ingredients "Cast of Characters". Very creative :)

  4. OK, I SERIOUSLY felt my mouth watering reading/looking at pictures lol. You are a baking machine, girl! I need to bake more!

  5. these are adorable! Yours look just as good as the ones in the book!

  6. These look SO good! I am so impressed with all of this Macaroon making you have been doing!

  7. I'm really kinda wishing that I hadn't seen this post because these look SO DANG GOOD!


  8. oh my! These look so delicious, they literally made my mouth watered. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I will attempt to try it. :)

  9. can we make these when i get home??!!!

  10. Ok so I saw that you received the BOW award from Gentri Lee. I read your post & saw that you made Macarons which in turn made be remember that I have a crush on Macarons. I decided to make them today, but life got in the way of my sweet tooth coma so I posted a blog about it instead. Thank you for awakening my love of macarons :)

  11. These look delicious!! The first time I tried to make macaroons I wanted to throw my mixer off the balcony lol, but you two have given me hope for a successful second attempt! Xo

  12. Will the filling wont melt outside the ref?
