
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If you really knew me...

I've seen these posts floating around blog land and thought they were fun so now it's my turn...Thanks Courtney for the inspiration!
If you really knew me...
-you'd know that I still sleep with a stuffed animal and I probably always will. When I was little I had the hardest time picking which stuffed animal to sleep with because I didn't want to hurt any of their feelings.
-you'd know that I am Type A all the way. I love to make lists and then check things off my list!
-you'd know that I have to dye my hair because of all the gray! My best friend found my first gray hair while we were in high school and I freaked out.
-you'd know that I am very sensitive and always try to make the people around me happy.
-you'd know that I've been within 2 feet of Johnny Depp aka Jack Sparrow while on the set of Pirates!
-you'd know I have a little country in me...I grew up running around on my grandparents farm, riding horses, catching frogs and swimming in the pond.

If you really knew Drew...
-you'd know that he wants to be like Bear Grylls and knows a whole lot about surviving in the wild. Get him started talking about guns or wilderness survival and there's no going back.
-you'd know he has a tattoo on his right shoulder. He designed it himself and got it done without telling me as a graduation gift to himself. Gasp! It's of a cross and bible verse though so I couldn't be mad!
-you'd know that he is an amazing cook. He's one of those people who doesn't need to follow a recipe or use measuring cups and the meal turns out amazing.
-you'd know that he went to college to be a meteorologist, went out West on a storm chase and was on TV in Indiana before changing careers.
-you'd know that if he doesn't know how to do something he will look it up and know how to do it the next day.

If you really knew us...
-you'd know that we love to tease each other, but all in good fun. (See above) Haha.
-you'd know that we love the outdoors! We own a canoe, went hiking in Gatlinburg for our one year anniversary and both worked together as camp counselors at a nature preserve.
-you'd know that we are both teachers and work way harder than you can imagine
-you'd know one of our favorite things to do is take walks through the park
-you'd know that we are high school sweethearts and we met when he lost his watch and I found it!
-you'd know that we are obsessed with our cats. We talk to them in weird voices, have nicknames for them and give into their every demand.
-you'd know that we enjoy grocery shopping and cooking together...he's actually a better cook than me, but pretends he's not.
And there you have you know a little more about us!


  1. Teachers definitely work harder than anyone else.... I also LOVE Gatlinburg and used to go there often when I lived in Indiana! I am the exact same way about my pet (dog), I actually wrote about that a few days ago. They are seriously my kids... And I always tell them how lazy they are because all they do is sleep. Yup, and sometimes I have full fledged conversations with them, haha (creepy? Probably so!)

  2. Great post! And you look gorgeous in that top picture.

    (Oh and I still sleep with several stuffed animals. I sometimes rotate them so they dont get sad.)

  3. Such a cute idea for a blog post! I might have to steal it :)

    And totally get the nickname for your animals thing....I never call my dog or my cat by their "real" name, only by their nicknames. My husband just doesn't get it though!

  4. Love this post idea! Btw, that picture of you is great! And list making is the best. I can't go a day without making one.

  5. I love everything about this post, Allison. So fun to learn more about you guys. Plus, you look gorgeous in the first picture. :)

  6. Yay- fun post! I feel like I learned so much :)

    I'm totally a type-A list making girl too! And HOW COOL that you got to see Johnny Depp, where was the set at?! I definitely have some country in me... lots of my aunt/uncles had farmland growing up and I hope one day to own a little bit of land myself :)

    Did you two go to high school around here?! I can't remember if you've told me that or not!

    Oh, Jared is totally a better cook than me and can throw stuff together without measuring. So dumb ;)

  7. Fun! loved getting to know you a little more!

  8. Um, so I did the same thing with my stuffed animals! I'd always apologize because my baby doll was my favorite! haha! Type A...same here. People pleaser...same here. I haven't seen Johnny Depp in person...but I definitely wouldn't mind! Haha! I love that drawing so cute! :)

    PS: I love your hair in a top knot!

  9. Love this list! Had me chuckling and smiling at your cuteness =)

  10. I love this post! What a great way to get to know you more. Your list would be so similar to mine. Except for almost meeting Johnny Depp. how awesome is that! I love it that you guys give into your cats every demand and have cute nicknames for them. We are the same way with our 3 dogs, 1 cat and 1 bird. They are our babies. You guys are so awesome together. I love it!

  11. Love this!

    I never wanted to hurt my stuffed animals feelings either!

    I am suppper type A as well and have also been FREAKING out about gray hairs lately!

    We are high school sweethearts too, isn't it the best?

  12. Love that you added a space about your hubby and the two of you together! Adorable. :)

  13. I was always (and still am) so careful about my stuffed animal collection. THEY HAVE FEELINGS!

  14. What a great post! Loved learning so much about you all! I love lists and checking things off too, almost too much!!

  15. This is so adorable! Love it. I want to be on Man VS. Wild too, but I think I would die.

  16. i LOVE your hair in your picture. is that a sock bun!? however you did it, it looks great! cute post!

  17. I still kind of feel like stuffed animals have feelings too. When I was a kid, I used to have nightmares about terrible things happening to my stuffed animals. I would wake up crying and have to check on them.

  18. that photo of you is absolutely gorgeous allison!! love it

  19. You make the most gorgeous couple! What a looker too! :)

  20. omg the stuffed animal thing..SAME. I still feel like they have feelings.....

    not normal.
