
Saturday, July 28, 2012

The time I got a pony...

I always love going to my Aunt & Uncle's farm because there's always a cute animal running around for me to love on. They own a horsemanship school so there's never a shortage of horses either! When we were younger my sister and I took horseback riding lesson from my Aunt and I wish I made time to ride more! My Aunt Pam is full of spunk and several of her horses have won Grand champion in competitions.
 My Uncle Alan they call the horse whisperer because he is 100% true cowboy, spurs and all.
Being out on their farm with their horses always makes me think of my pony. When my sister and I were younger we got a pony for Easter...we named him Blondie of course.
As you can see below I have always been a take charge person...haha.
 Best Easter ever.


  1. haha way too cute!! that orange kitty is presh :)

  2. Awww, y'all are too cute!! I always rode horses growing up and wanted one...but I never wanted to have to take care of it. Haha!

  3. Aww! I forgot about Blondie! We have videos and pictures of us on her too!

  4. what great pictures!
