
Monday, July 30, 2012

Food, Olympics, Food Olympics...and repeat

My weekend consisted of two things: watching the Olympics and eating good food and I loved it!
Friday night we stayed in to watch the Opening Ceremonies. I'll say what everyone else is saying and admit that it wasn't as good as Beijing, but I was still entertained. We used our free pizza and ice cream from my blate at the Reds game last Friday and relaxed with our kitties on the couch.
Saturday I worked on some orders for my Etsy shop, went to the mall, then Drew and I went to dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, The Cactus Pear. Fish Tacos and Mango margaritas and then it was back to the Olympics. Anyone catch the beach volleyball game? That and the women's gymnastics are my favorites!
Sunday I made Hazelnut Macarons with my macaron making partner Courtney and our friend Bekah.
They don't top our Blueberry Cheesecake macarons, but were still ah-mazing. So amazing that they deserve a post of their own so I'll post about these later this week. Oh and then I went home and guess what we did? That's right...watched the Olympics. Sometimes low key weekends are the best kind!
One more piece of exciting weekend news...Gentri Lee asked me to be her blog of the week this week so hop on over and check out her wonderful blog!


  1. i can't peel myself away from the olympics, even the events i don't particularly like..ha! it's an obsession.

    cute blog! :)

  2. Sounds exactly like our weekend & it was perfect!!

  3. Olympics is awesome,especially since i live in London is 10x better :) If you want, check out my blog, If you like it follow on GFC and Bloglovin, and I ALWAYS follow back xx – Vanessa Mae

  4. Yep, this sounds a lot like my weekend...minus making yummy macaroons/ plus office works! Ha! I've been trying to watch as much as possible. I love the Olympics!

  5. I think your title pretty much summed up my weekend as well. Lots of food, lots of Olympics =)

  6. I know what you mean. I have watched a ton of the olympics...but in the past I always regret not watching it more, so this year I am watching EVERYTHING! maybe a little too ambitious...

  7. I feel so great about myself when I eat ice cream while watching the Olympics. Haha...I got my pizza on Friday night, too! It was the perfect dinner for the opening ceremony! Swimming is my favorite. Confession: I'm more than a little in love with Michael Phelps.

  8. I have been watching the Olympics off and on all weekend. It's exciting!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  9. What a great weekend! Can't wait to hear about those Macaroons :)

  10. I'm over from Gentri's Blog. I love your blog!!!
    Oh, Just Living the Dream

  11. I can't turn off the Olympics these days. I'm pretty obsessed with them! Hooray for good food while enjoying them:-)

  12. my weekend sounds identical! seriously, i'm OBSESSED with the olympics...I get SO into the stories! fortunately my in-laws have tivo so I can tape the stuff I miss, when you know, i'm living life, haha! Yeah for a world-wide competition!!! woo hoo! love Katie

  13. New Follower from Gentri Lee! :)

  14. Yep! that's what we did this weekend too! Minus the fish tacos...those look delicious! :)

  15. Of course you are blog of the week - but honestly you should earn the award of blog of the century. You are always up to something fun. xo

  16. you made macarons?? that's so cool! i'll have to give this a try sometime :)


  17. gahh you made macaroons?? just discovered your blog so excuse me if you've already done this, but you neeeeeed to share a recipe!

  18. The Cactus Pear is about .3 seconds from my office and I have never been! I need to get on that asap!!

  19. hazelnut macaroons sound divine! recipe please please please? i've been wanting to make macaroons forever but am a little nervous because they're supposedly so difficult.

    just found your blog and excited to be your newest follower!

  20. I love the Olympics! The women's gymnastics is my favorite, then swimming and track. Pear margaritas? Yum!

  21. Your cat looks like a Flamin' Hot Cheeto in the first picture! I love it! Lol I'm loving your blog! Xo

  22. Any evening that includes kitties, pizza, and the couch is a win in my book! ;)

    Totally agree about the opening ceremony. Love watching the events!!

  23. EEEEK! Congrats on getting the award from Gentri Lee :) That is so exciting and you deserve it, girl!

    The Olympics...oh TV never shuts off I swear lol!


  24. I;m reading this many months later, and am focusing on the macarons! Are they difficult to make? I've been wanting to try, but am a bit intimidated!
