
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Avocado-Egg breakfast pizza

I've been bored with my breakfasts lately...until I found this recipe. Meet my new favorite breakfast: Avocado-Egg pizza. Since I  absolutely love avocados I decided to try it and every single bite was amazing. All you need is some olive oil, lemon juice, one ripe avocado, a tortilla or any kind of flat bread and an egg.
First toast the tortilla until crispy, then peel and pit the avocado, mash on tortilla and spread until covered. Drizzle olive oil and lemon juice over mashed avocado. Place your cooked egg (can be any cooked anyway you want it) in the middle of your tortilla. Slice like a pizza and devour.
Avo-Egg breakfast pizza...original recipe found here


  1. This looks delicious! I love avocado...on anything :)

  2. yum yum yum yum! LOVE this...I can't wait to try it out! have a great week girl! love Katie

  3. Yum!!! Minus the egg..that looks amazing :)

  4. This looks so yummy! I'll have to give it a try! ;) xo Heather

  5. Yum! I'm so lazy in the morning though, I can barely pour a bowl of cereal!

  6. Following you on Google Connect now. Hope you can share the love and follow/visit me back.

    Much love from Canada~

  7. Oh so yummy! Never would have thought of that.

  8. We will have to try this! There is no shortage of avocados here :) I bet Carlos and the kids would love it too!

  9. this is...interesting looking! I am sure it tastes delicious, though, because I love all the ingredients.

  10. ive never heard about this but i am definitely interested in trying. how did you hear about this breakfast?
