
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cincy Blogger Meet-up

There's just something about meeting up with bloggers from your own city. I FINALLY had the chance to do this the other night....actually it was more like last weekend that we met, but I'm behind the times due to the fact that I have been living in my classroom getting it ready for Monday. Anyway I met up with Sarah, Katie, Liz and Anne and they were all just wonderful. We had a great time sitting outside, sipping on our drinks and chatting about life.
I can't wait to hang out with these lovely ladies again! That and attempt to make my own cast iron skillet mac and cheese. Yum.


  1. Oh I wish there were blogger meet ups in my city. I think there might only be two bloggers in my city, but it would still be so fun. That sounds so nice!

  2. Blogger meet-ups are so fun (even if at first slightly awkward)! And that mac n'cheese.... I want some!

  3. So happy to meet you too!! You will have to let me know how making the mac & cheese goes! We really need to get our own cast iron skillet for that cookie recipe that you talked about...yum!!

  4. SO fun! Makes me so excited for the first Indy blogger meet-up in September :)

  5. so jealous! I have really wanted to attend a blogger meet up. You should link to their blogs!

  6. YAY For Cincinnati bloggers :) Hope I can make it to the next one!!!

  7. looks like fun! :) what a great idea!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. awww so fun!! i LOVE your dress :D
