
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Nutella Banana bread, Regular banana bread has nothing on you. You are were amazingly delicious and fulfilled all my expectations! 
Dear Classroom, It was so nice staying in you 2 consecutive years in a row. My hours of slaving away have paid off and you are now ready for my new students on Monday!
Dear Weekend, Since you are the last weekend before school starts for both Drew and I we are doing absolutely nothing and loving every second!
Dear Pioneer Woman and your Lemon Basil Chicken, Yum. Yum.Yum. Oh and yum.
Dear Hell on Wheels, When Drew said he wanted to watch you on Netflix I was not excited...Hell on Wheels? A show about building a railroad? Well we are 5 episodes in and I'm on board. Haha.
Dear Blog, You may not be seeing me as much lately because I'm going to be giving 110% of my time to my students. I will be checking in on you, but not every day. Please forgive me.
Dear Bill Nye aka my science guy husband, I can't believe our summer is almost over. Let's make doughnuts and stay in our pjs all day tomorrow okay? P.S. You need to get Mr. BoJangles (your class skeleton) a Bengals jersey and some pants ASAP.
Love, Allison


  1. Such fun letters! Nutella banana bread sounds heavenly. Yum. :)

    And I know you're a wonderful teacher! They are a lucky class of second graders to have you.

  2. Did you just say Nutella banana bread?

    Sweet sugar, you did.

    I bet that stuff was aahhhhh-mmaaazing.

    I'mma have to try it next time I find myself plagued with some brown bananas!

  3. That nutella banana bread looks amazing! Good luck with the upcoming school year! :)

  4. i have yet to try nutella. i think i need to break into some! and we started back to school a week and a half ago.....i'm already yearning for next summer ;)

  5. oh my goodness, that food looks amazing! i am so hungry right now, so that doesnt help! lol.

    enjoy your last free weekend!! :)

  6. Now I'm definitely going to have to make my own nutella banana bread :) Looks wonderful. Hope you have a great school year ahead of you!

  7. ahhh i love anything with basil...will have to try that recipe :D enjoy this weekend and let it be a restful one! hope monday goes well for ya :D

  8. Ok, I have to be the only blogger that's never had nutella, but that nutella banana bread looks amazing! As does the lemon basil chicken! I'll be checking that out for sure! And Hell On Wheels is SO good! Hubs & I started watching last season & got so sucked in! Excited it's back on now! Hope you have a great weekend! = )

  9. Such fun and sweet letters! Have a beautiful weekend! xo Heather

  10. Nutella banana bread?? How have I not known about this gem yet?? I have a recipe for Nutella brownies that we make almost weekly in our house if you're into Nutella!

    Good luck with your new kiddos:-)

  11. Best of luck with starting school next week! I know how stressful it can be trying to make everything perfect by the time the first student walks in. Take a deep breathe & know that the kids will fall in love with you by the end of the day!

    p.s. My husband was a science teacher when I met him, and had a class skeleton too! {and snake.. ew!}

  12. Best wioshes for the upcoming school year =D

  13. Ohhhh, Nutella bread. YUM!! I made Nutella cookies the other day!
