
Sunday, September 23, 2012

And the Reds clinch it!!!!!!

It just so happened that we got free Reds ticket for yesterday's game against the Dodgers. It also happened to be the weekend of Octoberfest and the PERFECT fall day. We got downtown early and stuffed ourselves with German food then headed into the big game.
Yesterday was the game the Reds needed to win in order to clinch the Central title and they not only won they shut the Dodgers out 6-0. Playoffs here we come!!!
                                                                                            Source: via Allison on Pinterest

 Oh and I wore my new red Tom's shoes to support the Reds...they must be lucky shoes.
What a wonderful weekend to be a Cincinnati Reds fan!


  1. Love your Toms! Looks like you guys had a great time! :)

  2. How fun! I love the pictures. Such a great game to go to!

  3. oh gosh, looks like fun! It's cute you even wore RED SHOES! :) Hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend!

  4. THE perfect game (and day!) and for free? Girl, you scored!

  5. So jealous you were at the game! It was the perfect day! GO REDS!!! :)

  6. The toms are so adorable!! Just found your cute blog through the give away. Would love for you to stop by and follow along if you'd like :)

  7. WooooohoooO! :) I was there Friday night and I SO WISH they would have won and clinched while I was there ;) Glad you got to see it though and I stinkin' LOVE your new TOMS!

  8. Those tom's! It seems like they just keep making cuter shoes every day. It looks like you had a fun day together!

  9. I don't want baseball to end!

    Both of our teams sport the best color ever!
