
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friday's letters

Can you tell we are related? Because we are.
Dear Friday, Why oh why did it take you so long to get here? Dear Cincinnati Reds, You are amazing! I can't wait to see you clench the Central title on Saturday! Wahoo. Dear Pumpkin Spice Latte, I'm behind the times and just gave you a chance 2 days ago. Well I am now your new best friend and will be visiting you frequently. Dear Grandparents coming to visit Room 308, The kiddos are so excited you are coming. We have prepared the most adorable presentation ever for your enjoyment. Dear "little" brother and sister, (see above) You aren't so little fact I'm the oldest, but the shortest in the family now. How did that happen? I loved our talk at lunch the other day even if we don't all see eye to eye on political issues. Haha. I am so blessed to have you both in my life. Dear customer who bought $70.00 worth of purchases from my Etsy shop, I LOVE YOU! Now I can start on my craft table and make this little business of mine officially official. Dear sweet husband of mine, I loved reminiscing with you about our engagement anniversary. Now we just need to find that missing video footage! I'm sorry things are rough for you at school right now, but you are an amazing teacher. AMAZING! So don't you forget that. I wish you had been my teacher...wait that would be weird and kind of illegal. Let's forget I said that last part. I love you!

Now go link up with Ashley for Friday's letters!


  1. what a cute pic of you & your siblings! love it!

  2. I understand the part about the siblings. I have a younger brother and sister too who are both taller than me. Happy Friday!

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  3. Welcome to the Pumpkin Spice Latte fan club! :)

    Happy Friday!


  4. Awww, congrats on the huge Etsy sale!! That's so awesome!

  5. Hi from the linkup!!

    I gave the spice pumpkin latte a chance for the first time last week and I honestly can't get enough. Have you tried the salted caramel frap? I was so afraid to try it because the word "salted" scared me a bit, then I did and I think that's my new best friend as well!

    Anyway, I hope you have an amazing weekend!!


  6. That is awesome on the Etsy sale! Congrats! Don't go making your business all big and leave me to teach all alone!

  7. I'm the oldest and shortest too... but my parents have been preparing me for that since I was about 5. I've always just been short :) Also, so exciting about your Etsy shop! And we want to see pictures of that craft table when it's done! Have a good weekend, now that it's finally Friday (yay).

  8. You go girllll! Awesome Etsy sale :)

    I'm excited for the Reds too! We're going to the game tonight, yay!

  9. Great sibling photo and yay for Etsy sales!

  10. can you believe I have never had a pumpkin spice latte? Oh, the shame. I have got to get on that. :)

  11. what a cute pic of your not so little anymore siblings!

    New follower! Happiest Friday!! Drop by nichollvincent.blogspot and say hi!

  12. You and your siblings are adorable! My little sister and I are both taller than both of our older sisters. Our brother is the tallest of all at 6'1 (and he's the middle of all 5 of us), but my baby sister is close at 5'11! Aaanyway, hope you have a great weekend! :)

  13. Such cute letters! So awesome that you and your brothers and sisters are close :) And I can't believe you just tried a pumpkin spice latte. So glad you have been introduced to the most wonderful creation!

  14. You guys look like triplets! Holy cow, you are def. related!
    And heck yeah for Pumpkin spiced lattes!

  15. Hey! Found you via Friday Letters - love the site, very cute - one of my favorite layouts. Congrats on your etsy site, I recently started one too and it's nervous waiting for your first sale! :)

  16. A woman who loves baseball as much as I do?? We're already friends in my book! ;D It's okay since we're not in the same league.

    oh, and p.s. i will be buying your be merry banner asap. it's so dang cute!
