
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's letters

Dear crock pot, Get ready because you are going to be going to be busy this fall. I love coming home and having a meal ready to go. You are so thoughtful to do all the work. Dear perfect fall evening, Thank you, thank you for finally showing up. On the agenda: chili, cast iron skillet corn bread, Woodchuck's new pumpkin ale and a bonfire with friends. Dear Baby Kitties, Thank you for not running away when we left you outside for 30 minutes unsupervised last night. Oops. You are the best. Dear future novelist husband, I love laying in bed and listening to your story ideas. All we need is one best seller to pay off our student loans okay? Dear Macaroons, I'm making you with the help of my dear friend Courtney. This is the first time you are being made with a purpose besides Courtney and I chowing down on you. Please turn out cute for my cousin's bridal shower!


Now go link up with Ashley for Friday's letters!


  1. i hope those macaroons turn out great if they do share the recipe please. that is one cookie i haven't made yet. can i want your perfect fall evening of chili and cornbread, i don't want our 104 degree temp anymore

  2. Definitely share some of your yummy crock pot recipes because I love coming home to a perfect meal too!! Wish we had a perfect fall evening tonight - it's still in the 90s here. Sigh. :(


  3. How was the pumpkin ale? I like woodchuck but I'm a little intimidated to try pumpkin.

  4. yes for the crockpot!

    Following you now! Have a wonderful weekend!! Stop by and say hello! :)
