
Sunday, September 16, 2012

You might just need to do a fall dance...

I had been praying, crossing my fingers and doing a "fall dance" (like a rain dance, but in hopes of fall instead of no rain) that this weekend would finally feel like fall. I had chili and cornbread on the menu and I bought caramel apples. I thought if I wished hard enough for fall that it would just show up...well it actually worked!

Friday evening was our fall kick off. We had our friends Brian and Courtney over for fall food, fall drinks and then of course a bonfire.
Conversations around a bonfire simply can't be beat. I don't know what it is, but some of my favorite conversations ever have happened around a bonfire. Carmel apples by the bonfire are pretty fun too.
Then Drew decided to spice things up and set a wooden plane on fire...that show lasted about .5 seconds and then it was over. At least he tried...
I'm so happy fall showed up this weekend in Ohio. If fall hasn't graced you with it's presence yet maybe you need to try a fall dance too. It worked for me!


  1. we are near giddy around these parts because the temps are dipping into the 70s. SO excited! i do love me some fall :) and you're right...there's just something about a fire and good conversation!

  2. oh caramel apples, how i love thee. so happy for fall!!

  3. I definitely need to do this dance! Your dinner & apples look so tasty!

  4. twas the perfect fall night!! more to come :)

  5. Sounds like the perfect evening =) We've been having those perfect fall temps here too... now if the leaves would just start to change color now...

  6. yes! it finally felt like fall here too. aaand those caramel apples look delicious. It is definitely time a make some.

  7. I definitely need to try doing a fall dance. It's crisp and cool in the mornings here, but still pretty hot in the afternoon! I'm definitely ready for the fall, and all the clothes and treats it brings with it!

  8. I need to do a fall dance. It was 100 degrees at the beach this weekend. It was nice, but I'm ready for fall. I love to see how you are celebrating it. The carmel apples apples and chili look delicious!
