
Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh college friends I miss you...

This weekend I went to visit some girlfriends in Indiana and it made me really miss college. When else in your life do you get to live in such close proximity to your best friends? Oh the memories.

We met at a burger joint called Scotty's where I had one amazingly delicious burger. Then we headed over the river and through the woods to Katie's house for an official house tour.
Katie is a country girl and I loved seeing those details in her house. It is very vintage and so adorable.
We sipped on hot cider as a storm brew outside and caught up on life until our eyes couldn't take another minute. We did some reminiscing of our college days and man did we have some good times.
I couldn't resist a throwback picture from one of my favorite college memories. Maybe I will tell you the story if you ask nicely.
I miss you college friends...let's all buy houses in the same neighborhood so we can relive the college days okay??


  1. Seriously, I want all of my college friends to live near me too! :) I love the throwback! :)

  2. Oh gosh, I miss college! There's just nothing like it. And I could definitely go for some Scotty' that place :)
