
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hurry...go get some peaches!

I hope you never get sick of me talking about Pioneer Woman...because I end up cooking at least one of her meals per week and they are always amazing so I always share them. For a Labor day cookout I decided to try out her Peach Crisp with some huge peaches I had bought at a local fresh market near my house. I'm so glad I made this while peaches were still in season because it is sinfully delicious and not very difficult to make. What makes this recipe especially delicious is the maple cream sauce. Oh my goodness is it good!

What you will need:
5 to 6 whole peaches (peeled and sliced)
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/2 tsp. Cinammon
1/2 tsp. Ground Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. salt
1 stick butter
1/2 Lemon
7 Tbsp. of Maple syrup (divided between sauce and the crisp)
1 and 1/2 cups Whipping cream
3 Tbsp. Light Corn Syrup

 All it takes is a little stirring...
And then some measuring and mixing...
 Some cutting and zesting...
A little baking and of course some eating...I ate mine before I could snap a picture. 
It's that good.
For the full PW version recipe click here!


  1. oh. my. heavens.
    i need this now.

    thanks for sharing!

  2. Geeze louise, that looks so delicious!
    Thanks for sharing your recipe!!

  3. Oh man, that's my kind of dessert!

  4. I am still SANS PW in my kitchen. I need to correct this. This looks amazing. I am going to hurry and get some peaches.

  5. I love peaches! Will have to try out this lovely recipe! Have a wonderful day!!

  6. Oh girl, I love PW so no worries about talking about her. Everything I've made of hers has been amazing!

  7. This looks so yummy!! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

  8. oh my gosh that looks so incredible! you must be a whiz in the kitchen!

  9. You had me at peaches! It is my favorite fruit. So is it like a peach cobbler then?

  10. YUM YUM YUM!! This looks amazing!

  11. Pioneer Woman is amazing - I'll never tire of her! Your dish looks great - gotta love fresh fruit!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I just read in your about page how much you love Ree and I am RIGHT there with you. Glad to know someone else feels the same way- her recipes never fail and she has the best personality!
