
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Singing servers!

Have you ever been to a restaurant and had your server sing to you? My friend Bekah is very musically gifted (she's the one who tried out for American Idol) and she heard about this restaurant called Vito's Cafe where the waiters are all amazing singers. So a group of us went to check it out and it did not disappoint. All of the servers, bus boys, bar tenders etc. are involved in music. They are either in school for music or they are supporting their music by working at the restaurant so they were all good! The theme for the night was Disney music and I was thrilled. The food was amazing and we got serenaded all night long!
Our server told us to come back after Thanksgiving because they start singing Christmas songs. I will be there ready to sing along the day after Thanksgiving! Is it too early to get excited about Christmas music? Ok I'll stop.


  1. How awesome! I am so jealous- there is nothing like that round here. Have a great long weekend!

  2. So fun!!! I would have to beg J to go to a place like that...he hates singing and musicals :)

  3. ahhh CHRISTMAS SONGS?! that would be so awesome! looks like a great time :D

  4. That sounds super fun, I wish we had something like that around here!

  5. Oh my goodness I've never heard of this placel!! I SOOO want to go now!!! My hubby would probably join in on the Disney nights ;)

  6. This place looks so cute! And it is never too early for Christmas songs :o)

  7. This sounds like so much fun! I went to a place in NYC once called the Stardust Diner -- all the servers are aspiring Broadway stars and sing the whole time - so cool!

  8. Looks like such fun!! Happy weekend to you! xo Heather

  9. What a fun idea! I have never been to a restaurant where they sing, but I would like to! And with Christmas songs?!? Now that is awesome!

  10. Christmas songs? I need to go there. Like.. that needs to be in my life.

  11. What a fun concept! I wish we could find something like that around here :/

    Oh and Christmas carols are my absolute fav!
