
Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm ready for Fall...

1. Tell us what you are looking forward to this fall?
I am looking forward to everything about fall...the weather, the food, the activities, but my top 3 things I'm looking forward to right now are:
-Going to visit my sister and brother in law in Indiana and re-visiting 1812
-My cousin's wedding in October
-Thanksgiving in Nashville

2. Show us your fall style.
Since it isn't exactly fall weather yet here in Ohio I haven't gotten to sport my fall style quite yet, but when I do it will look something like this...
                                                                                  Source: via Allison on Pinterest

3. Tell us your favorite things to do in the fall.
1.) My husband and I love to go hiking and camp in the fall. Nothing beats campfire food.
2.) I always look forward to picking out pumpkins and carving them with friends.
3.) We always make it to at least one corn maze.

4. Show us your favorite fall beverage.
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Pioneer Woman's Pumpkin Smoothie. Seriously click here for the best drink of your life.

5. Tell us, how you will be participating in halloween this year.
Our good friends always have a Halloween party with a costume contest. It will be hard to top last year's costume (we won best couples costume as the Frisch's Big Boy and Wendy) but I have some pretty good ideas up my sleeve. 

All of these fall questions had me dreaming of fall so I decided to add a banner to my shop this weekend. Check out my new Candy Corn banner, which is now hanging in my house anxiously awaiting fall!


  1. I love your last-year's costumes! Too CUTE! Can't wait to see what you guys will be this year!

  2. Your costumes are great! I also love that banner! I've never seen the PW's pumpkin smoothie, but definitely on my list to make for 2012. You're absolutely right about campfire food!

  3. Love the shirt in your fall fashion picture! I've been trying to find one similar. Happy Labor Day! :)


  4. Its crappy here in PA too...

    that pumpkin smoothy looks SO yummy! I love camping

    **new follower**

  5. I am ready for tailgating my college football games and hoodie weather.

    Those were great costumes! You are so creative.

  6. Oh I can't wait for fall! Great post!

  7. I cant wait for fall! Im most excited to bundle up in layers, pumpkin spice lattes & cuddling up by fires! This post made me even more excited for the weather to start cooling down!


  8. I'm gonna have to try that smoothie! Sounds so good!

  9. Oohhh you are a girl after my own heart! I have been pretending it's October since the beginning of August!

  10. Love that whole outfit ! That's pretty much how I look on a casual day !
    My Blog - A Pretty Nest

  11. I'm gonna have to try that pumpkin smoothie! Sounds yummy!

  12. Pumpkin smoothie?! Where have I been?

  13. That banner is adorable! You are so talented!! I can't wait for cooler weather!

  14. pumpkin smoothie...mmmm I will definitely have to try that out. alright, I am officially transitioning to fall. I can't stand it any longer.

  15. This post is making me overly excited for fall! Seriously, it needs to hurry up and get here already because camping and pumpkin beverages sound amazing right about now. ;)

  16. Trying that pumpkin shake ASAP! Two of my lovers...Ree & pumpkin. Too good to be true :)

  17. Love this post! It makes me want Fall here even more. Love the Fall outfit and I must try the PW pumpkin drink!

  18. Aww, I am really bummed about summer being over, but this post makes me at least a little excited about fall's arrival. :)

  19. Holy Smokes! I LOVE FALL!
    I like your candy corn banner!
    Your costume is so cute!
    A pumpkin smoothie... mmmmm

  20. Ok, ok, now you've got me a little more excited for fall. I want that pumpkin smoothie!
