
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's Letters and a giveaway!

Dear Friday, I haven't needed one of you this badly in a while now. Between report cards and some crazy parents I am ready for a break! Dear Fall, I love everything about you. That's all. Dear Kitchen renovations, You are almost finished and I can't wait to show you off. Dear Alex (handy man friend), We are thankful you learned all your handy tricks so you could re-do our outdated kitchen. We paid you in chipotle, beer and skittles...I wish we could pay everyone that way. Dear new bar stools, I'm so glad I found you and ordered you. You look exactly like the ones from Sundance catalogue I fell in love with except that the price for 4 of you on was cheaper than one from Sundance. Score! Dear sweet as honey husband, I love you even though you got me hooked on the Walking Dead. How did you convince me to watch it anyway? I hate zombies and anything gory and now you have me waiting impatiently for the next episode (probably just so I can see if Glen stays alive for another episode or not.) What have you done to me??? Dear Blog friends, I'm so behind, but I can't wait to catch up with you this weekend. Emily over at Hope Squared is featuring this banner from my shop along with other very cool and very free things on her blog today. Enter below to win...that should cheer up your Friday right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Fun - love your banner! And I can't wait to see your kitchen renovations! Just started in on ours... it's a disaster in there currently, but it's going to be worth it in the end, right?!

  2. I helped my parents out with their kitchen renovation a few years ago and it is such a process! I'm glad to hear yours is almost finished!
    Also, I would love to win your adorable Ho Ho Ho banner! Christmas decorating, you are just around the corner!
    Dianna @ Virginia is for Lovers

  3. i cant wait to see your newly renovated kitchen! have a great weekend :D

  4. Ahh we are newbies to walking dead. They are in or DVR and waiting on us to watch. We have heard such good things about it!

  5. i would love to win! have a good weekend :)

  6. Happy Friday! How exciting that your kitchen renovation is almost done - best feeling EVER! :) And being paid in Chipotle and Skittles sounds kind of amazing, actually.


  7. Love this giveaway! I'd love to win the blogger template!

  8. Oh my goodness, my husband watches The Walking Dead... yeeps! You are very brave, haha! I'm such a wimp. I saw a preview for it and was like "OH MY GOODNESS, THAT GUY IS EATING ANOTHER GUY'S ARM!!!" and well, needless to say, I haven't seen the show itself. ;)

  9. love that picture of you two! such a stinkin cute couple!!! and sure hope you're planning on showing off the kitchen renovations!!

  10. That is so funny, because my hubby got me addicted to Walking Dead also! It's actually pretty good!
