
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Don't be a grumpster!

Drew and I are both teachers so on Friday nights we lay pretty low since we are both exhaaaausted. We usually order in, watch our current favorite show on Netflix and cuddle with the cats. Well last night we decided to be adventurous and go to Lowe's...that's right I told you it was adventurous. We went out to get some final things for our kitchen renovation and that was probably a mistake because shopping for hardware for your kitchen is not something you should do when you are both tired.

So 10 minutes and 2 aisles into Lowe's later, we started arguing because I wanted to ask a helpful Lowe's employee for advice and get the heck out of there and Drew wanted to take his time and figure it out himself. A typical male/female debate right? We were both frustrated until we realized it was pointless to be annoyed with each other over something so stupid so we made it funny. I said something like "wow we are both grumpsters tonight" and Drew said "well I'd rather be a grumpster with you than be a grumpster by myself."


grump·ster [gruhmp-stir] Adjective. Sullen or irritable over tiny, stupid things like picking out lights or hardware for your kitchen. Synonym: Oscar (the grouch)

Then we laughed, hugged and left Lowe's hand in hand. It is always hard to be patient when you are tired and grumpy, but sometimes you just have to get over yourself and choose to laugh about it and move on. Because being a grumpster by yourself is just not fun. And that is my Saturday morning wisdom.


  1. sounds exactly what my husband would do. it's hard sometimes for me to "get over it!" haha.

    Helene in Between

  2. I feel like my husband and I get into a little tiff every time we enter a hardware store. I think this is primarily due to the fact that I.hate.hardware.stores and he Loves them with a capital L. This night sounds very familiar. :)


  3. I have never heard anyone else EVER use the term grumpster. I say it to Steve all the time. I am glad I am not alone on this one.

    p.s. As always Drew's response is terribly cute. How could you continue to be a grumpster after that?

  4. Haha love his comeback :) That's what a great husband would say!

  5. I can be a grumster for sure! ...Especially when it comes to home improvement projects and stores. Ehh. They're boring and overwhelming, if you ask me. You're a trooper for getting out of grumster mode. It's not easy!

    p.s. this post totally made me lol.

  6. Omg. My husband and I have the exact same argument every single time we go to lowes!!! At least its not just us. :)

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  8. We all need this reminder to not be such grumps we should be so grateful for every day :D Great post!

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  10. We all need this reminder to not be such grumps we should be so grateful for every day :D Great post!
