
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Homemade Halloween costumes for your viewing pleasure...

Everyone loves looking at Halloween costumes right? Time to do a throwback of some of my favorite home made Halloween costumes from the last few years. Ready?
My grandma actually wore the dress I am wearing at one time!
Drew was hard core and ate his snacks out of a real turtle shell. And please tell me you know who Pippi Longstocking is!
My personal favorite couples costume idea! We had so much fun with this one!
One of my all time favorite Halloweens was with some of my girlfriends in college. We dressed up as the Sesame Street characters for a party and crafted our costumes ourselves. Can you find me?
This year the Mr. and I don't have plans to dress up, but when Halloween evening comes knocking we might just have a surprise in store. We shall see... (insert crazy, witch cackle here) Happy Halloween!


  1. Every single one of these made me smile! You are the absolute cutest.

    Of course I know who Pippi is! Such a fun character. :) AND I literally said "yuck!" out loud when I read about the turtle shell. That is definitely hard core!

  2. These are all so amazing. I am so loving the creativity of bloggers. But I shouldn't be too surprised. We are a creative lot. ;)

  3. creative and super cute!!! love them all. i especially love homemade costumes!!

  4. Those are ADORABLE! I especially love the fast food icons - my husband would be ALL FOR that idea. :)


  5. Love the Big Boy and Wendy costumes! Especially the props. Ha! :)

  6. Love them all! You were so cute as the Wendy's girl!

  7. pipi longstocking was my favorite book character EVER growing up. nice job!
    ps. just picked up my book today! can't wait to get started!

  8. I especially like the Robin Hood and Main Marion year! =)

  9. hahaha the sesame street characters are hilarious! but really, which one were you??

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  11. They are all so great! So, I'm curious, did you guys end up dressing up this year?

  12. Did y'all end up dressing up?! We were total bums and didn't. Boo. I should've been an oven...with a bun in it! Haha.

  13. Love all the creative costumes!! :) So cute!
