
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kitchen updates...I have counter space!

A few weeks ago our very handy dandy friend Alex decided it was time to knock the wall out between our kitchen and dining room and I am forever thankful! Our house was built in the 60's when an open  layout and hardwood floors were just not in style. Our now hardwood floors were covered by shag carpet for too long and the layout of the house was very closed off. Whenever we had a large group of people over we would all end up spread out in different rooms or crammed in the kitchen by all the food...those days are over!

During: Thumbs up for that wall being gone. It makes our little house seem 10 times bigger!
We also took down that old school fan hanging behind us and added 4 can lights to upgrade the lighting
After: We took out our small kitchen table that we never used and upgraded to a nice sitting area.
Cabinets: Home Depot
Counter top: Custom made
Bar stools:

We still need to add handles to the cabinets and pendant lights above our new eating space, but I'd say this was a huge improvement! Now I just need some kitchen storage tips...what goes where? Any of you read any good articles or have any tips?? Send them my way!


  1. Looks amazing!! I love the white cabinets!

  2. Oh my gosh, this looks amazing! Way to go!

    I use for all my organizing ideas. Jen is amazing and regularly features others' organization ideas too!

  3. Hey, Allison :)
    I nominated you for the Liebster blog award! (It's the newest blog post on my page)

  4. Wow, what a change! And the stools are so great.

  5. Have you ever been to She's got some insane organization stuff going on. Most of which I will never have the time to do, but it's really fun to see what she comes up with! I'm sure there are a more than a few kitchen tips in there. Looks awesome!

  6. wow! way to go!! Loving that big "R" on your wall!!

  7. Oh my goodness it looks so great!!

  8. where is that R from!!!??! im obsessed!!!

  9. What a wonderful improvement! Makes me get the itch to do more to our kitchen. :)


  10. oooh fancy allison!! definitely a huge improvement for sure :-)

  11. Lookin' good guys! According to all the House Hunters episodes I've seen (believe me, it's a lot ) the people always want "open floor plans" so way to go home improvers!

  12. wow! so amazing! we just got started on a some remodel work in our kitchen. i got the pendent lighting over our sink and i'm in heaven now!! amazing what those little changes make.


  13. Allison! It looks SO GOOD! I can even tell from the pictures that it looks much bigger. Kudos to you and your hubby and congrats on the new kitchen :)

  14. It looks great! I love the feeling of getting organized I just hate the mess to get there ha! To make more room in our kitchen S and I hung a steel rail with hooks from ikea to hang pots. pans and strainers. It helped to free up a little space.

  15. This looks amazing! What a great idea!
