
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A few things I'm loving today...

I'm linking up with Jamie and Michelle to share a few things I'm loving today.
I'm loving all the amazing people I've met through blogging including my sweet friend Tara. Today is her birthday so hop on over to her blog and say Happy Birthday!!
I'm loving that my husband is home safe and sound from his camping adventures. There was an earthquake this weekend in Kentucky and my husband felt it! Crazy! He's even cute after not showering for three days.
I'm loving that my friend Betsy came in town to keep me company while Drew was out playing Bear Grylls. We had a relaxing weekend filled with girly movies, shopping and baking.
I'm loving that the holiday craft shows are in full swing!
I'm loving that we are hosting our first family Thanksgiving this weekend at our house. I'm a planner at heart so I've been busy making lists and buying crafty supplies to make it special.

I'm loving Pioneer Woman's Rigatoni and Meatballs from her new cookbook. YUM!
And now that cold weather has taken over Ohio...I'm loving these pins.
Found here

Found here
Found here

Found here
Found here

What are you loving today?


  1. Wow, it looks like your hubby had a serious camping adventure! I love the mittens out of a sweater and the outdoor table set up with the plaid blanket! Once we get a house and have people over, I will be doing that. Love everything!

    New Follower!!


  2. Haha- he does look pretty good after no showers for 3 days (Can I say that?!) lol... glad you got to have your friend over for girls time and to keep you company :) I Don't like being in the house all alone when Jared is gone!

    I SO need to get to some craft shows. Jared and I are going to the holiday expo this weekend at Duke Energy center!!

  3. Love it! :) I need to try those meatballs!!


  4. love those clothes! look like they're pretty easy to make!

  5. Your food looks delish! I so want it... I love your little blog I just started following you & I cannot wait to know you better!

  6. Ahhhh those mittens are to die for! Wonder if you stitch them shut with thread or yarn? #dontsewmuch cute though! I'd love to decorate with them!

  7. Hi! I'm a new follower :) I love those sweater mittens and I'm totally drooling over the Rigatoni and Meatballs!

  8. I love all your holiday pins! I'm so ready to celebrate :)

  9. I totally want to try making mittens like that too. It's so simple. I hope the Thanksgiving dinner goes great at your place!

  10. Yum...those meatballs look delicious!

    New follower! If you get the time stop by. :)

    Trying To Be Who I Am

  11. Hosting Thanksgiving?! So fun! I can't wait to see how it all turns out :)

  12. love those craft fairs! first one will be here in a week =D

  13. Glad your husband is home safe! :) Also, that PW recipe looks amazing!

  14. Those mitts look fabulous! Time for me to search for the old knitting pins!

  15. yay for friends who come keep you company while the husband is away! and how easy are those mittens to make, gosh what a fun weekend project! and i think i will make those meatballs anything PW makes is always delicious

  16. Love holiday crafts!!! :) can't wait to do some of my own. Thanks for finding my blog!!

    Don't you just love Pinterest?

  17. I love girl weekends... movies, shopping and baking sound so much fun.

    And I love those mitts! Now I'm feeling inspired to find old sweaters to make a pair :)
