
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

If you need a good laugh...

Just read this:
                                                                                    Source: via Allison on Pinterest

I honestly can't re-read this (even if it is for the 20th time) and not bust out laughing. Speaking of want to hear about the first time we gave our cats catnip? It's a pretty awesome story.

The night we adopted Sawyer and Bear we brought them home and thinking we were being smart pet parents we rubbed cat nip on the things that we wanted them to know were theirs...their bed, their scratching post, etc. Fast forward to midnight and as my husband and I were lying in bed we heard our new kitties running around like they were high on life. Me being the sensitive person I am decide they probably feel out of sorts in their new home (which is not a tiny cage) so I tell my husband I'm going to go out and sleep on the couch in the off chance that one of them wants to cuddle with me. I stumble out of bed in the pitch black and feel my way out to the family room. I grab a blanket and then feel out the edge of the couch. I plop down...and sit in something squishy. Well my friends it was cat poop and that cat poop was now all over my sweatpants. So much for trying to help a cat out...
But I will say since then our cats have not once pooped outside the litter box or had catnip. Just say no to catnip!
At least they are cute right? I forgave them quickly and just blamed the catnip.


  1. Haha okay that is hilarious! "I'm flowers" got me rolling!

    And I clearly know nothing about catnip, it makes them crazy apparently?! lol

  2. haha!! That's hilarious. And funnier for me because I have a pug, AND a pomeranian that looks very much like ht one on the photo!! :)

  3. hahah this made me laugh too cute! I work at a vet clinic so I see all kinds of animals on the daily and I will say here in VA beach I dont see many pugs but their adorable!

  4. haha oh my goodness! cute and hilarious!

  5. HAHA it makes me laugh out loud every time! love your kitties! "paw, come on..."

  6. bahahah this is awesome allison! love it thanks for the great laugh

  7. HILARIOUS! And that picture...adorable. So stinkin' adorable.

  8. hahahaha, I just nearly fell from my chair laughing! This is absolutely hilarious!
