
Friday, November 9, 2012

High Five for Friday!!!

Yay it'sssssss FRIDAY! I'm being adventurous and trying a new link up today. Linking up with Lauren for High Five Friday!
1. Since I had a few in-service days this week and didn't have to spend my evenings grading and lesson planning I actually had some time to craft. So I made a portable Ironing table for my craft room and I'm in love!
2. I made one of my favorite Real Simple recipes: Slow-Cooker Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie!
3. I had a Starbucks/IKEA date with my husband and we finally found the lighting we've been looking for for our living room! IKEA never lets us down.
4. I got a lesson in applying make up from my friend Bekah. I honestly know nothing about applying make up or at least I didn't until my lesson!
5. I got some time to cuddle with my sweet kitty.

Have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend friends. High five for Friday!


  1. I'm envious. The nearest IKEA is four hours away from me =(

  2. I hope you show pics of lighting when its all done! After building our house I'm obsessed with everyone else's ideas! ha

  3. i need a serious lesson in applying makeup! so fun! have a great weekend!

  4. Ohhh, I need a makeup lesson! And I wish that we had an Ikea close enough to just go whenever!!

  5. Yea for Ikea!! That chicken pot pie looks totally delicious... I might have to try that this weekend. Thanks for stopping by my blog:)

  6. That pot pie look sooo good. I was daydreaming about my mother's chicken pot pie earlier, but maybe this is one I can make myself!

  7. Yay for Fridays!!!

    Ps. How did you make this picture collage? I expected nothing less coming from a talented diva like yourself though :)

  8. Starbucks, Kitties and make-up, my 3 favorite things! Friday's are always a great day to do a lot of random things :)

  9. I did a makeup course and I found it so incredibly interesting. (my favourite is shading, who knew my cheekbones could look so high!?)

    I am holding a giveaway worth $50 over at my blog today

  10. You're right about IKEA. Never lets anyone down. :)

    I love this link-up idea - so fun!

    Hope your weekend was as awesome as your week was!

  11. I have an Ikea around the corner from me and I go at least once a week. So fun to spend an afternoon there!
