
Monday, November 12, 2012

Show and Tell Monday

1. Tell us what you like to do when it's cold outside.
When it's cold outside I love starting a fire in our fire place, sipping on something hot and playing a game of Boccer ball with my husband in our basement. If you haven't heard of Boccer ball, look it up. It is amazing! I also love to bake while jamming to Christmas music. And if we are feeling adventurous my husband and I might hit up the sledding hills or go tubing at Perfect North with friends.

 2. Tell us some of your favorite "winter" recipes.
Don't be shocked when I tell you this favorite winter recipe is from Pioneer Woman. Are you surprised? I love Pioneer Woman's Meatloaf and let me just give a little disclaimer here: Before I made her meatloaf I despised meatloaf. The only reason I gave hers a try is because my husband wanted Meatloaf as his birthday dinner so I couldn't refuse. Let me just say I love this meatloaf! The fact that it is wrapped in bacon might help. Click here for the recipe. 

Here are two other quick and easy holiday dinners I posted about last year.


3. Show a picture of something that makes you think of the cold.

4. Tell us /show us some of your favorite accessories/outfits for the winter
 I love any big, cozy sweater I can get my hands on. If I feel like I'm wrapped up in a blanket then I'm happy. And so I don't look like a giant tent, a skinny belt is also essential. I'm also "warming" up to leggings. For my feet, I can't go without my cozy slippers for inside and my tall boots for outside.

5. Tell us if you had the option of snow or no snow, what would you pick?
 If it's going to be cold out, and I don't have to drive in it I say it might as well snow! But I'm not quite ready for that yet!


  1. I was just about to ask what Boccer ball was lol! I am so googling it when I am done with this comment ha! Pioneer Women and her recipes are so yum! I will have to try that meatloaf for the hubs sake lol. When we first got married I thought the topping for it was ketchup le sigh poor guy ha! Check out those icicles omg run getting in the house girl lol! I love the snowmen they look all happy! Cute writing in the snow, cute blog and new follower.


  2. I need to get more into Pioneer Woman!!!!! I've heard incredible things! And I'm with ya, if its going to be freezing it might as well snow!!

  3. I love wintertime activities. Fireplaces are the best, and so is yummy food. I've never been to Perfect North, but I know a lot of people who go! Maybe I'll try it out this year.

  4. I HATE meatloaf, but maybe I should give that a try! PW has never failed me...

  5. PW's recipe is by far THE BEST meatloaf EVER! Made it many times =D

  6. Haha...I was so shocked that you liked a PW recipe. Not really.

    I wish that we got snow here!!

  7. You know how much I love PW and her meatloaf is amazing!! So jealous you actually get a winter & snow there! We have 50 degree days for our winter here in South Texas :(

  8. I'd love to have a cold winter (at least for December). Hanging in the basement, playing games sounds like the perfect way to spend a winter night.
