
Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas in Kentucky

This weekend we celebrated Christmas round 1 with my Mom's side of the family in Kentucky. I am so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing family who I can laugh with and simply enjoy every second of being with.
Pictured above: My Momma, 3 Aunts and my amazing grandparents at Christmas eve dinner
Pictured above: My amazing girl cousins who are more like sisters, our cute Christmas eve dinner tablescape and an old picture of my mom and Aunts with Santa. All of the tables were decorated with old Christmas photos!
Pictured above: The sweetest couple ever
Pictured above: All my cousins with our "stockings." Since the youngest one of us is now in high school we moved from stockings to decorative bags so we all have something to take our stuff home in. The girl cousins have a little too much fun decorating them every year.
Pictured above: Puppy love, husband love, the boy cousins make an appearance and fun with pipe cleaners.
Pictured above: The coolest gift ever
We did a secret Santa gift exchange with our cousins and my sister's hammocks were the hit of the party. Since it was warm we headed out into the woods and tried them out. My sister is now selling these hammocks on Etsy so hop on over and check out her new shop. I have one and it is awesome!

Tomorrow I will be celebrating 3 more Christmases and I hope they are all as sweet as the first one.
Merry Christmas eve friends!!


  1. this looks like a blast!! i love the idea of the bags so you can take stuff home.

  2. OK WOW. This looks like A LOT more fun than I have at any of my grandparents houses. We don't even decorate the table (sad!) but when I get married, this is CHANGING! Maybe they'll come to my house and I"ll be martha stewart for a day.

  3. What an amazing family! You're very lucky (but you obviously know that :) The photo of your grandparents is so sweet, they look so in love... what a great example of marriage.

    And the photo of your husband with the dog melted my heart. What a sweetheart.

    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! xoxo

  4. Awe you and your cousins are so cute - you definitely look like you could be sisters! :) Have a wonderful holiday - it's been wonderful getting to know you through your blog this year, too!


  5. What a fun and festive weekend :) Merry Christmas Eve! Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. Merry Christmas! I love seeing older couples that have been together for decades.

  7. As always- I love you and your gal cousins and how close you all are :) I long for my kids to have that kind of friendship one day with their own cousins!!

    Cute idea w/ the stocking/bags!!

  8. I love all the photos. Especially the sweet older couple. They're so at home together, you can see it in the photo.

    AMAZING hammocks.

  9. Love the stockings! Such a smart idea. Merry Christmas!!

  10. How fun! Looks like you're def in the Christmas spirit. Super fun!

    Thanks for linking up with us :)

  11. What fun and what wonderful family pictures. You guys got it just right- Merry Christmas- xo Diana

  12. aw your family seems like so much fun! love those stocking bags and hammocks!

    merry christmas!

  13. Those hammocks are awesome!! Merry Christmas to you, lovely lady!!

  14. Looks like you all had a blast! And I love those hammocks! Definitely might buy one of those when it gets warmer here in VA :)

  15. okay so that totally is the coolest gift ever and i love your stocking substitutes! :)

  16. Those hammocks are awesome and I love the lighting in that picture. Merry Christmas Allison! It looks like you have celebrated it well!
