
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why I just love the holidays...

So many of my favorite parts of the holidays have to do with traditions. I love going to the Christmas eve service at church with my family and singing hymns by candlelight. I love my old traditions with my family of eating blueberry muffins and running past the present room before going in for a sneak peek. And I have loved making new traditions with Drew the past 4 years. Here is our day of 3 Christmases in pictures...
Drew and I wake up and start cooking a big breakfast. When it goes in the oven we go down and start a fire and open our stockings in front of the fireplace. This is the second year in a row we have bought each other the same movie to put in the other one's stocking, Madagascar 3 anyone? Then we let our cats "open" their gifts and are entertained while they play with them. Then we go back upstairs and eat while watching Mickey's Christmas Carol. Then we load up our gifts and head to my parents house...
More stockings, blueberry muffins, happy doggies and lots of family time. Then it's on to my grandma's house for lunch.
We opened another round of stockings, exchanged gifts and stuffed ourselves with honey baked ham. After a big lunch we put on a Christmas movie and bust out the games. This year it was our Lord of the Rings Monopoly. When our stomach's start growling again we know it's time to head to Drew's parents for dinner and more presents.
And our last stop is Drew's parents house. We always get PJ's and  have a very big and tasty dinner followed by presents, Uno Attack and Christmas Story. The night always ends with me falling asleep on their couch.

And one last picture because it's not a Renner holiday without pet pictures...
I hope you had a very merry Christmas! Looking forward to reading all about all your holiday fun!


  1. Love all of yall's traditions and family pictures!

  2. you two are just the cutest!! love the photos looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Allison and yes you have to include the pets in the holiday photos, always a must!

  3. Looks like you had a very blessed Christmas! I love giving the presents to our furry family members. My pup was so excited! :)

  4. How fun! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

  5. Y'all are so cute! It's so neat that y'all get to do everything on Christmas day!!

  6. You two are seriously adorable!!


  7. I love y'all's Chrsitmasd morning tradition :) SO cute!
    And it's so wonderful that you get to spend time with so much family, too!

    Glad you enjoyed it, girl!


  8. It looks like you had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Merry Christmas. I love all the family pics including the furry family ones- xo Diana

  9. it looks like you had a wonderful holiday!!
    here's hoping to a new year that is just as lovely!!


  10. It looks like you all had a great Christmas! I loved reading about all your traditions. :)

  11. The dog in the Hill house picture almost looks like he is singing!

  12. Merry Christmas to you and your family Allison =)

  13. Oh precious, I love it all! So glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas, friend! :)

  14. You two are so stinkin cute. Love the family Christmas photo with the cats! So adorable!! Merry Christmas!! :)

  15. you were very busy!!! but looks like so much fun. we had to go to our parents, his parents and then our house. it's fun but tiring!

  16. You guys are too cute in your plaid pajamas :)

  17. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! You and your husband are precious!

  18. I have loved looking at everyone's Christmas from all over the country! You guys are the cutest! And yes, old holiday traditions are the best!!! We are so blessed, aren't we??? Enjoy the rest of 2012!!

  19. Sweet!! I'm glad to see you had a great Christmas. You guys are so cute with the pjs! hehe :)

    Love the kitties!


  20. You are one creative girl... love your DIY projects... and everything you accomplished this year! So glad you had a good holiday.

    Happy New Year!

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