
Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday's letters

Dear Thoughtful Husband of mine, I'm so excited for you to be our Mystery Reader today! My kids are going to freak out when they find out it is you. Thank you for taking a half day off work just to hang out with me and my class...oh and entertain us by reading Elf and showing us cool tricks with dry ice. You are the best!! Dear Nutella and Bananas, Why are you such a good snack? I've eaten you three nights this week and am always satisfied by you. Dear Christmas Cards, You finally arrived at my door step and I'm so happy with you. Now I have to get addressing and stamping! Dear HOBBIT movie, I can't wait to see you on Saturday! I'm more excited about you than most girls are for Twilight. Yes, I'm that excited! Dear Annual Christmas Pizza Party, I'm excited about attending you and stuffing my face with free pizza tonight! Dear Blog Friends, Looking for a last minute gift or a little holiday cheer for your home? Visit my shop and enter the code HOLIDAYRUSH12 to get 15% off! Dear Papa, Yesterday was your 89th Birthday! I am so proud of you and all you stand for. Your love for Mimi and your family is incredible. I can't wait to celebrate with you next weekend! Dear Husband (again), Remember when you were a Mystery Reader last year and the kids asked you for your autograph? You are oh so famous and I'm glad you are mine.


  1. aww how fun that your husband is coming in today!!
    David and I are seeing the Hobbit next week and we can't wait! Do you think its worth it to see it in 3d? we are trying to decide...

  2. Love the pictures! I'm trying to convince my hubby we need some professionally taken too:-)

  3. Alison! Your photos are GORGEOUS!! I love love that sweater and your fun hat. You guys make such a dashing couple :) Also, nutella and bananas is something is just must try. I've been craving bananas lately but they just taste so blah sometimes. And I bet your kids will be thrilled when they find out its your husband who's reading to them. Kids always seem to ooh and ahh over their teacher's spouses :)

  4. Such cute photos! So sweet that your hubby is reading in your class fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. LOVE those photos! They're gorgeous! Happy Friday - hope your class is so much fun! :)


  6. Love these photos! I hope they made it onto the Christmas card this year :-)

  7. What gorgeous photos! Oh my goodness...they look like they should be in a magazine.

    And how fun he's coming to be your mystery reader! I can't wait to have my own classroom one day so I can have mystery readers as well. :) :)

    Hope your weekend is wonderful from start to finish!

  8. So cute!!! And you really DO love Nutella! Haha! I've only had it once, but I find myself craving it after hearing you write about it :)

  9. I'm excited for "The Hobbit" too!

  10. Aw having your husband read to your class is the cutest thing! That's so sweet of him :) Hope you (and the kids) enjoy it!


  11. LOVE your sweater! it is soooo cute! Where di you find it?

    also love the christmas card :)

  12. I look at your blog from time to time and I still wonder..."can it get any more cute" (;

  13. love the pics..beautiful sweater! have a great weekend girlie<3

  14. I LOVE your photos! And your husband is so sweet for coming in to read! Happy times!

  15. These photos are so darn cute! And I love it how mysterious and exciting your husband is to your students - I would have felt the same way about meeting my teacher's husband when I was in elementary school I think. I love how magical teachers are to little kids :)
