
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thankful Thursdays Part 6-Chronic Soul Amnesia

This week's chapter in Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts was on our tendency to forget to see God's glory in our everyday lives. "The whole earth is full of His glory. Sky, land and sea, heavy and saturated with God-why do I always forget?" (page 106)

So often people see the creation, but forget all about the creator. Think about it...God created all the things you love most in the world. Your favorite flavors and foods, your family, the clouds, your cute little furbaby, the ocean, the tree you love to sit under and read...and when we look at those things do we see God's glory? Voskamp compares us to the Israelites wandering in the desert. God had just freed them from slavery in Egypt, but then they got hungry and scared and began complaining again about a new set of troubles. How quickly they forgot what God had just rescued them from. God had to constantly remind them that he loved them and would take care of them. We are the same way. God provides for us everyday and then we just forget about all he has done or choose not to see it...Voskamp calls it "chronic soul amnesia." (page 106)
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

I really connect with God when I am out in his creation. Seeing a colorful sunset, a hawk above me on a telephone pole, big puffy snowflakes landing on the ground, the stars shining, a harvest moon...all of these things make me realize how much bigger the world is than just me and how amazing our creator is for making these things for our pleasure.  We just have to choose to see it. What will you see God's glory in today?

Be sure to check out these lovely ladies thoughts on the chapter as well...


  1. That is so true. So many times in life I've had one problem I'll be worrying and complaining about, then have it solved... but suddenly thats forgotten about because I have a whole new set of troubles. I think it's good to take a step back, be thankful for what we have and enjoy our surroundings.

  2. ahhh I loved this chapter. I love reading and hearing and taking in the beauty of glory, and the AWE of living fully alive! thanks for sharing sweet girl! Finally got mine up, haha! love Katie

  3. I just stumbled onto your blog. I really like your design...and you make a good point about how the Creator is often forgotten.

  4. So beautiful! I really loved this chapter. What an eye opener for me on a week that I seriously need it! I too, am always in awe of God when I'm in nature! He did a pretty spectacular job making it! :) Thanks for sharing, love!
