
Thursday, January 3, 2013

2-0-1-3...the year of being thankful for what I already have!

My 2013 goals all stem from all I've been learning from Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts. Through all my Thankful Thursday posts I realized how truly important it is to be thankful in all circumstances. This year I want to make the most of what I already have and be more intentional in savoring the everyday moments.
This year...
*I'm going to be thankful for our teaching salaries (even though they may be small)
2013 is the year of budgeting in the Renner house. Yes, my husband and I are starting a budget and you know what? I'm actually excited about it. We have our excel spreadsheet made and we are going to have fun getting creative with our spending!
*I'm going to be thankful for the clothes that are already hanging up in my closet
2013 is the year of remixing. I'm going to try to buy only the necessities and use what I already have in new and fun ways. That might mean you will see a few more fashion posts around here to help inspire me! 
*I'm going to be thankful for H20
2013 is the year of slowly cutting out pop from my diet. It will be a slow process, but it starts now.
*I'm going to be thankful for the body God has given me
2013 is the year of getting my booty back in to gear. I'm going to attempt to work out 2-3 days a week. Whether that's doing a 30 Day Shred DVD, a Zumba class or simply getting outside to take a walk I just want to be more active!
*And last, I'm going to be thankful for a God who I can trust to take care of all of my needs

I already have a good feeling about 2013 and what God is going to do in my life. I'm excited to be more intentional about being thankful for all that I have been given.

So what does that mean for the blog? In 2013 you will be seeing me get creative by giving old things new uses along with finding out all the tips and tricks there are when it comes to living on a budget. I'm excited about what that will look like! Happy 2013!


  1. love this! I have similar goals, especially the exercise one and the clothing one. I thought about not buying anything in 2013, which I think I could do, but....ahhh I don't think I could do it. ha!

  2. These are great goals! I love the theme of being thankful for what we have and using it in new ways. I'm so glad I found your blog, looking forward to following along in 2013!

  3. You are awesome! What admirable goals! I so desire the same things. I prayed before Christmas that I wouldn't find any worth or (too much) joy in the gifts that are ultimately just *things* The Lord really honored my prayer and it has made it so much easier to keep my focus on what is really important!! I can't wait to continually here about how living a little simpler blesses you! <3 Kristen

  4. Great goals! I'm excited to follow along on your blog :)

  5. These all sound wonderful! I love that you have the 30 Day Shred DVD. That's one of my favorites! Good ole Jillian. :)

    And I can't wait for your fashion remix posts.


  6. I'm trying to cut out soda again, too. But sometimes I crave one really badly.

  7. These are awesome!! I need to do a better job of remixing in my closet...can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. Yes-being thankful is one of the best things in life, isn't it? I have always sensed that you were a thankful person. Blessings- xo Diana

  9. Awesome post, friend! The Magness household is getting serious about their budget too and I'm excited as well! I want to feel in control of our finances at ALL times!

    I'm working on cutting out pop completely too, water water water!!! :)

  10. This year will be such a blessing to you, friend. It may be difficult at times, but you have started out with such a great attitude. Looking at ways to be thankful instead of just seeing it as "cutting back." I love this whole post!

  11. these are great!! 2013 is the year of budgeting in the munafo house as well :)

  12. Love love love this! You are always such an inspiration!

  13. Love love love the idea of being thankful for what we have. What a great way to start 2013!

  14. This was a super encouraging post to read, girl!
    I love your take on improving and being grateful for what you already have :) Even the simple ones like being thankful for H2O!

    Happy almost Friday to you!

  15. Such a wonderful post! I didn't really make any resolutions or goals this year, but these are all wonderful! I definitely want to be more thankful for what I have as well in the same ways.

  16. love this! We're working on budgeting (and being excited about it!) this year too :)
