
Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Cross Country skiing, You really kicked my butt, but I loved every second. I may have had one ski that always turned out to the left and fell 3 times flat on my face (don't worry no one saw), but by the end of the night I was a professional. I think it should snow more so we can do this more often.
Dear little brother, I loved seeing your new downtown apartment last night and hearing all about your new bank Co-Op job! You are all grown up *sniff*sniff* and I am so proud of you!! Dear Ellie and Andrea, I really can't believe you haven't seen Lord of the Rings. Luckily you are friends with me and we are changing that TODAY! Dear Caramel Marshmallow Popcorn, Since just one movie in the Lord of the Rings series is 3 hours long, we will be consuming lots of you today! Dear Christmas Vacation, Please don't end ever! Dear Sweet Husband of Mine,  I hate that you had to go back to work this week, but I made you yummy dinners and cleaned the house while you were gone like a good little house wife. I think I could get used to that.
Happy Friday!



  1. Aww, I love those times when I have time to cook and clean at home and feel like a proper little housewife. :) Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas vacation, friend! :)

  2. You guys are so cute! glad you had fun! I hate the snow, but I'd be willing to venture out in it for some CC skiing I think!!

    Enjoy your movie night & yummy popcorn!!

  3. Oooh, are you still off on Christmas break? Nice! And did you go x-country skiing around here? That would be a fun weekend outing if we get snow again. Not that I need any more snow ;-)

  4. Such a sweet picture! Sounds like you had so much fun and made some great memories!


  5. I've never been x-country skiing...but I think this year might be the year-looks so fun! And yay for extra long christmas breaks! Enjoy the rest of it!

  6. haha i love your note about being a good little house wife! hope your break was awesome and going back to work isnt too terrible ;)

  7. cross country skiing! hoooowwww funnnn!!! you guys are adorable:)

  8. This post made me want to go cross country skiing again! What a good workout. It's been -30 here with the windchill though so I think I'll wait until it warms up a tad bit. I also don't want winter break to end. It's very sad...
    Found you through the linkup, nice to meet you! : )

  9. I have never been skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or cross countr skiing. About the only thing I've done is sled (and play in the snow) and ice skate. Wow. :/

  10. Oh- I love times like that- I am so glad you had fun and enjoyed your time together- xo Diana

  11. Carmel marshmallow popcorn?? YUM! I'm a big skier, but have yet to do cross country skiing. Sounds like a blast!

  12. dear allison....SO jealous that you get to play in snow! also, i tried to convince my hubs that i would make a GREAT housewife too. he laughed and then made me get up and go to work today :( i'm not giving up though!

  13. I have to admit... I haven't seen Lord of the Rings either.
    I know, I know, I am missing out on life. Hopefully I'll see them this semester if I can every find free time!

  14. Oooh. Never done the cross country, but would love to! We are obsessed with skiing, but typically we go flying down the mountain using no real muscles at all. I think I'm due for a little work out. :)

  15. I'm impressed you did cross country skiing. It seems impossibly hard and kind of frustrating. Good for you for sticking with it. You've inspired me to maybe try it someday.

  16. This is thee cutest pic!! You guys look adorable!! I am sure you got quite the workout being in the snow! ;) Hope all is well my lovely friend, well wishes to you & yours!


  17. I've never been skiing! Ahhhhh take me with you Al!
