
Monday, January 21, 2013

Every weekend should be a 3 day weekend!

one. Took some cat naps
two. Ate Sushi
three. Got crafty and made some Valentine's cards with my friend Alison
four. Made my first pocket pie and loved it (recipe to come soon)
five. Out to dinner for a birthday celebration with Ellie
six. Max came to visit and my Mom and I enjoyed a walk in the sunshine
seven. Drew and Bear snuggling
eight. The remnants of Alex's bday celebration at a Japanese Bistro
nine. Happy 52nd (?) Birthday Alex


  1. Aww, is it a 3 day weekend for you? I'm SO JEALOUS! I am at work :(

  2. That sushi looks incredibly tasty!

  3. I totally agree that every weekend should be a 3 day weekend!!!!! P.S. How do you make that 3x3 picture collage?

  4. I agree, there should be a standard of 3 days off instead of 2. I think it would only benefit employers because workers would be be happier.

  5. I think maybe we should have 5 day weekends and only work 2 days. I like that idea. Haha.

  6. Yum that sushi looks AMAZING and I just so happen to be getting sushi for lunch so now I'm even more excited!! Hope you are enjoying the end of your weekend :)

  7. both david and I have to work today, so SHOOT. but I still love MLK :)

  8. I agree 3 day weekend are the best!! Cat naps are so needed on Sundays and I missed mine this week thanks to football games hahaha

  9. i agree - i want every monday off! that pocket pie looks delicious!

  10. I'm super jealous of everyone who has a 3 day weekend! But I guess it's okay since I took a day off in the middle of last week ;)

    And that sushi...mmm! One of my favorites!


  11. Yummy food and catnaps...sounds like a great weekend to me!

  12. Great 3 day weekend list~ xo Diana

  13. You weekend looks really relaxing, as they should be!

  14. What a great weekend! I'm jealous!

    Also, I've been craving sushi and this post makes me want some more.

    Thanks for linking up :)

  15. amen and amen. love me a 3 day weekend! but now since i'm not working every day is really a holiday, haha! just kidding, i'm started to work at Kevin's family restaurant business so that's been fun. Kev got back today so i'm all excited. he's asleep now (jet lag!) so i'm reading blogs, haha! you are too cute though!!

  16. what a great weekend!! miss you lots :)

  17. Snuggling and sushi = a great weekend!! Hope you had a good Monday!

  18. Enjoy your three day weekend :)

