
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Going on a first blate is like...

Going on a blate (blog-date) is a lot like going out on a real first date. You want to make a good impression so you have to think twice about your outfit, you want to be on time so you leave early, on your drive you start thinking about topics you could talk about in case of an awkward silence and then you start sweating because you are nervous and have to blast the AC, finally you pop in a piece of gum and head in...
As it turns out there was absolutely nothing for me to be nervous about because Erin was awesome and just as fun loving as she appears on her blog. We had planned on going to Ruby Tuesdays as a healthier option, but last minute decided Mexican would be much more fun. We ate chips and salsa, sipped on drinks and chatted non-stop like we were long lost friends catching up. We are definitely meeting up again, but next time we are roping in our husbands!
So far every single blate I've been on has been amazing. Have you ever been on a blate? Were you nervous?


  1. I've been on two and my next one is in a few weeks! I always get a little bit nervous, but like you said it's always for nothing...they were both just the sweetest :)

    Good luck roping y'all's husbands in, haha!


  2. Glad that went well! I would be so nervous to meet any of my blog friends in person.

  3. Love this! Glad you both had fun! =D

  4. Aw! How fun!!! Ha, I don't think I'll be going on too many while I'm living in the Tundra!! :)

  5. More bloggers need to live in PA!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm so glad you guys had a great time! I definitely was nervous the first time I went on a "blate" but it turned out to be really great too! :)

  8. I have met other bloggers before, but it has all been through mutual friend situations or specific blog related events. I've never actually set up a hang out time with another blogger that I didn't know beforehand. I bet it would be fun!

  9. Isn't Erin amazing? ;) so blessed to have her in my life... I am SO glad you two had a blast!! :) Mexican is probably the best meal to go for.. hehe

  10. so fun! youre like the easiest person to talk to and love so i dont even know why you were nervous :)

  11. I've never been on a blate, but I would love to someday. :)

  12. Um what an AWESOME and fun idea. I hope to do this with a fellow blogger!

  13. Such a cute idea! Glad you two had fun! :)


  14. When I first started blogging, my husband thought I was crazy with all these new "friends" online:-) Such a fun community though! xoxo

  15. I've never been on a "blate"! I think I would be nervous too! :)

  16. Such a fun idea! I would love to go on a "blate"!! :)

  17. i've never been on one before, but i live so far away from anyone that i've met in the blogging community so...unless someone is willing to fly down (we DO have GORGEOUS sugar white beaches here!) or drive several hours! ;)

  18. Y'all are so cute!! I love when blates go smoothly! I've only been on two, but they were both fabulous!

  19. So cute! I love blates...I've only been on a few but they are seriously like catching up with old friends!

  20. Aww- I loved our blate! Sorry I'm sooo behind on your blog, but just know we MUST plan another one soon!! :)
