
Thursday, February 28, 2013

A camp-in...

One thing Drew and I especially love to do together is camp. We love coming up with meals to make (see this post for some of our favorite campfire meals), we love taking hikes through the woods, we love bonfires and we appreciate nature.  Since winters in Ohio are never ending we decided we couldn't wait until spring to camp and that we needed to have a camp-in. A camp-in is an activity where you camp IN your house, which is the opposite of a camp-out where you have to actually go somewhere to camp. All you need is a tent and you are all set. We set up camp in our living room and decided to put computers and cell phones away and just spend quality time together.

We made hobo dinners and talked without the interruption of a cell phone or an incoming email and it was wonderful! Sometimes you just need uninterrupted time together. Plus when you camp-in your pets can come too. Sawyer loved the tent and didn't want to leave it. We woke up the next morning to him jumping on the tent and then we decided hey, we should make and sell tents for cats...I even came up with an adorable name for our new brilliant idea. Sadly, cat tents are already a real thing...yes it's true. So even though our big idea was already taken we enjoyed every second of our camp-in and will definitely be doing it again!


  1. Love this idea! I bet our kitties would love it too. I might have to suggest this to the hubby. :)

  2. Love this idea! It looks like so much fun!

  3. You guys are adorable!! That sounds like such a blast! & the uninterrupted quality time sounds absolutely perfect!!

  4. This is the cutest and most romantic thing ever!!!! Melt my heart!!!

  5. What a fun idea! Love it!

    See Mo Go.

  6. So I definitely had to Google search "tent for cats" after this post, haha! Sounds like a wonderful little date night! :)

  7. Oh my gosh! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen :) I LOVE this idea and might just have to steal it!


  8. Well aren't you guys adorable! So fun!

  9. this is so cute! you guys are awesome. I love this idea!

  10. i love this!! what an awesome idea allison! what a way to put fun into your marriage

  11. How fun, I love hobo dinners!! That is the cutest idea :) I think my hubby would love to do that since I don't get out enough with him ;) And too bad about the cat tent idea, lol!


  12. Since I'm not too much of a camping girl, a camp-in really would be perfect for me =)
