
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wake up Spring!

Dress: Target, Scarf: Charming Charlie, Belt: Limited, Tights: Vera Wang @ Kohl's, Shoes: Michelle D
I am trying to wake up spring with my outfit if you couldn't tell. I am so ready to trade out my winter coat for my jean jacket, but since snow is in the forecast this week I'm going to have to be patient. I wore this outfit for my sister in laws birthday dinner. Sushi, Crispy Pad Thai and green tea ice cream awaited us!


  1. you look adorable!! loving the spring colors...and omg, sushi sounds amazing :D

  2. Perfect outfit to wake up spring! I'm dreaming of warmer weather myself!

  3. love your outfit! looks nice and spring-ish to me :) our weather here is just being wacko. 70 degrees one day, 40 the next. it's nuts living in a place where you basically have to keep your summer wardrobe on hand at all times! and you are also making me crave some sushi....yum!

  4. wonderful pictures!! the ice cream looks so delicious.
    lovely greets and great blog, btw.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  5. such a pretty outfit!! and your dinner sounds delicious!

  6. ps, i nominated you for something... no need to participate, but check it out if youre interested :)

  7. Green tea ice cream?! Um, yum! Oh and I love the green dress!

  8. Loooove that outfit! I'm trying to tell Spring to hurry up and get here too!! I need sunshine! Andddd I need sushi, with you! ASAP :)

  9. YUM!!! I love green tea ice cream!

    And that dress is super cute on you - love the spring colors!

    See Mo Go.

  10. Love the green lace with that yellow belt and floral scarf! Looks great, and very springlike. :)

  11. Aw, your sister in law is so cute! Happy birthday to her!

  12. Okay. So. I love your eyebrows. Is that odd to say? hahaha

    More Modern Modesty

  13. Glad you guys had fun! Also, I have to tell you, I love your dress! SO pretty! Aaaand... I have a giftcard to Charming Charlie that I haven't been sure what I want to spend it on until I saw your scarf! I forgot they had scarves! I am definitely hitting them up this week! :)

  14. I've been eyeing that dress for a while, but I never feel like trying things on during the winter :) It's so cute on you!

  15. Cute! Love the green dress! I think that's going to be the color this year.

  16. That ice cream looks delish!

    Found you through Because Shanna Said So :)

    Tiff Ima
    Style Honestly
    $25 Giveaway!

  17. Looks like a good time! Great blog you have here. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx

  18. i love the outfit! :) i'm so ready for spring!

  19. You def will wake up spring with this!!! Um, lace and floral??? Perfect spring attire. You look presh!!

  20. I'm so ready for spring as well! Where in the world did you guys go for food? I think green tea ice cream sounds amazing!

  21. I love that dress and scarf combo! I'm ready for spring as well. :-)

  22. I hear you 100 percent. I am so OVER winter. And this outfit makes me want spring NOW. Love that scarf and dress!

  23. That dress is so pretty. I love how much that feels like a spring outfit! Definitely makes it feel like warm weather is right around the corner. :)

    -Mary @ Style That Moves

  24. LOVE the green! Both in your cute dress and that yummy looking ice cream! :)
