
Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Letters

                                                                                                             Found here via Allison

Dear Friday, You deserve a YAY! Especially since I got to sleep in this morning due to a 2 hour delay! Dear Drew, The plan is to set up the tent and have a "camp-in" in our living room tonight. Are you ready? Maybe we should make hobo dinners in the oven! Dear Cheesy Spinach and Sausage Pasta, You are my new favorite pasta. 2 of my favorite men approved you last night so you made the cut. You are now on our weekly meal rotation. Congratulations on your goodness. Dear Carly (my favorite 22 year old sister in law), Happy Birthday!! I can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend!! Dear Blog World, I hope you all have a lovely weekend! It's FRIDAY!! 


  1. Happy Friday! I found you through Ashley's link up and seriously cannot wait to read more. Your about me almost scared me though as I felt like I was reading about myself. Even though, I'm a 3rd grade teacher not 2nd. :)

    And Pioneer woman? I am obsessed with that lady. So much as when we were in Oklahoma I just kept praying I'd run into her somewhere. Love her.

    Hope you have a great Friday.

  2. Your Friday sounds great! My husband and I set up his tent in our living room from time to time and it's always so fun.

  3. Have an amazing Friday! And enjoy your "camp-in" :-)

  4. Sooo excited its friday!!! And to make your day even better, stop by my blog for a giveaway! :)

  5. I love this photo, because I'm feeling EXACTLY that. So glad it's Friday. Hope your weekend is great (sounds like it will be), and I'm off to check out that recipe!!

  6. Amen for Fridays. I got to sleep in too. I skipped my jazzercise class but oh well!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  7. oh my goodness, your blog is adorable! cheesy spinach and sausage pasta sounds incredible. happy weekend!

  8. yumm my mouth is watering thinking about that

  9. Stay in camping? That's the best plans for Friday night I've heard in a while! Fun!!

  10. Oh- YAY! What a cute post- Love those camp-ins! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too. xo Diana

  11. A camp-in in your living room sounds awesome! Have a great weekend! I am stopping over from the Friday Letter's Link-up! Feel free to say hello sometime!

  12. What great fun with the indoor camping. And you are a lucky dog to be able to sleep in.

  13. Loved your letters! Stopping by from the linkup - have a fabulous weekend dear!

  14. sleeping in? not this chick. i was up and out of the house before 6 a.m. thanks to a common core training i had to attend. i plan on making up for the lost sleep time tomorrow though ;) and i love your camp-in plan! maybe i need to do that with the kiddos tonight!!

  15. I want to sleep in on Friday Mornings!! haha indoor camping is my favorite kind of camping!! have a greta weekend!!

  16. Hope you have an amazing weekend friend!!

  17. I will second the Yay to Fridays and super Yay you got to sleep in whoop! whoop! Camping out in the living room holla sounds like fun times and a lifetime of memories! Cute post loved it!

  18. found you through the link-up! camping inside sounds really fun but i don't have a tent, so i might need to make a little kid fort.
