
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Take a hike!

Mr. Sun hasn't graced us with his presence here lately so when he did, Drew and I jumped at the chance to head out to the Nature Center and take a hike. It just so happened that we were there the first weekend that they started collecting sap to make into maple sugar so we walked around and checked out all the sap buckets on our hike. Every year they tap the trees and ask for some volunteers to help tap the trees and explain the process to visitors. My nature loving husband volunteered to do this two years ago and had a great time. You can read about that here. But it was fun to just be a visitor this time. We picked one of our favorite trails to hike and enjoyed the fresh air and the sun shining down on our pale faces. It made me want spring so badly! I hate to wish time away, but hurry up spring!


  1. so fun!! i am dying for spring and some nice warm weather too :)

  2. I used to love tree tapping time when I was a kid on the farm. There is nothing like REAL maple sugar! xo Diana

  3. that looks awesome...i've never seen tree tapping in person. i think that would be pretty cool! my daughter and i were reading the little house in the big woods book and we were just talking about how they tapped trees and made maple syrup!

  4. Yay for Mr. Sun! I love the way he feels on my skin! :)

  5. This looks so fun! I've been dying to go camping, and this reminds me of doing that :) Glad y'all got to spend some time in the sunshine!

    Oh and I love the little graphics that you put on your pictures...too cute!


  6. You guys are as cute as ever! Nature walks are always a good time :-)

  7. SO much fun. Caleb and I love to go to the nature center here in Cincy!! A hike sounds like a lot of fun this time of year! The sunshine is most appreciated :-)

  8. Not sure how I found my way here but glad I did! Now following :))

    I've also been teaching for 5 yrs.....8th grade tho....not sure how it goes with all those little, little ones.....but honestly 8th grade can feel like Kindergarten on some days ;))

  9. What a great idea for a sunny day. And I'm totally with you - I always try hard not to wish time away, but I'm sooooo glad March is coming at the end of this week!

  10. Oh, I love hiking! Looks like you guys had fun. I'm super excited about spring coming! I'm ready for the sunshine!

  11. Ah, hiking! I miss it! :) There isn't much good hiking around here! Ha! I love the little map you have!
