
Monday, March 25, 2013

A few weekend shenanigans...

one. This weekend I finally used my giftcard from my husband to buy some new running shoes! I wore them out of the store and straight into a workout that my husband made for me. (He was once a personal trainer.)
two. A spring break surprise from my sweet Mom! Real Simple magazine and a gift card for a pedicure! I love you Mom!
three. I finally got to "meet" Tara!!! I truly love blogging for bringing us together. Someday...we will meet in person!
four. I might have done a little damage at Old Navy...with a gift card, which makes it okay!
five. My friend Bekah got free tickets to the Cincinnati Ballet. We had a great time hanging out downtown for the show.
six. Dinner and drinks at Nicholson's Gastropub before the show.
seven. Had some cuddle time with this little guy.
eight. Drew and I tried out an Athenian restaurant that we've been wanting to try forever.
nine. My gyro...amazing!
This week is my spring break and I'm sooooo looking forward to some relaxation time! Happy Monday friends. I'm off to read about your weekends....


  1. those shoes are so fun!! i love them!

  2. i went to old navy this weekend too, but left empty handed!! I'll be back though! :)

  3. what a perfect weekend!! love the running shoes. think youll have any snow days this week?

  4. Love those shoes - they are so bright and fun!

  5. Love love love the shoes! :) New follower from the link up!

    Great blog!


  6. how sweet of your mom with the magazine and a pedicure gift card! moms are the best and how fun you got to go to the cincinnati ballet!

  7. you and tara are precious! how sweet of your mom!!

  8. There is nothing like new running shoes to give workout inspiration! And I think reading Real Simple, and some shopping time at Old Navy is a great workout reward! Happy Monday!

  9. Ooo the ballet!! I enjoy going to the ballet and the symphony.. even though Phoenix isn't exactly known for either one, I still think they are pretty great! Ah, culture :)

  10. Ooo the ballet!! I enjoy going to the ballet and the symphony.. even though Phoenix isn't exactly known for either one, I still think they are pretty great! Ah, culture :)

  11. Gurrrrl, stop it. I want a gyro now. :)

  12. Looks like a fabulous weekend - I love the ballet!

    See Mo Go.

  13. Love it. What a sweet present from your mom! Also, "meeting" blogger friends for the first time is the greatest.

  14. Sounds like an action packed weekend! ON has been on point lately!!

  15. Skype blog dates are the greatest!!!! :)

  16. I LOVE your new running shoes!! Those are seriously so cute! I think I'd work out more often if my shoes rocked ;) Here's to hoping I get lots of gift cards for my upcoming bday hehe!

  17. That gyro is making my mouth water! Yumm!! And shopping with a gift card always makes it okay, even if you spend way more than what you have on the gift card! ;o)

  18. Love your whole weekend (and those colorful new shoes!)!!!

    Hope you have an amazing Spring Break!

  19. Ooh, where is this place? That gyro looks awesome. And flashy workout shoes is always the way to go - I always think they make me faster :)

  20. Hope you have such a fantastic spring break!

    Where in the world is this restaurant. My husband is obsessed with gyros...he would love to try this out!

  21. What a fun post- I hope you have a wonderful Spring break! xo Diana

  22. How do you like the shoes so far?
    I'm in the market for a new pair and I've heard good things about Asics!

    Looks like you had a fun weekend, girl :)

