
Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday's letters (in my kitty pjs)

Dear Kitten PJs, I'm really excited that I get to wear you to work today! (Benefit of being an elementary school teacher!) My kiddos are going to absolutely love you! Dear Spring Break, You are finally HERE!! If only you were actually going to feel like SPRING. Oh well...I have lots of fun things planned including an awesome DIY project, a Nothing party, a few day trips and lots of reading! Dear Quinoa, I made my first recipe using you this week and I'm in love. Now I'm obsessed and already have more recipes with you in them pinned to try! This one looks especially delicious. Dear Running Shoes, I'm going to purchase you this weekend and then start hitting the pavement (finally). Dear Sweet and Thoughtful Husband, I showed you a Pinterest project I wanted to do that involved a wooden ladder and you immediately went on Craigslist and found one, purchased it and then picked it up for me! You are so amazing!
Happy Weekend Friends!


  1. love this letter and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad :D

  2. I'm totally jealous of your PJ wearing!!!(As I sit here in my most uncomfortable heels!) :(

  3. How sweet of your husband to help you out with your pinterest project!

    Good luck on going running. I really want to start but it is so darn cold outside!

  4. What a fun letter. I bet the kids love the pjs! Now....if you could only take your pillow and catch a noon time nap....xo Diana

  5. I love the idea of a "nothing" party! Perfect for the month of march...and spring break! Enjoy that time off from work!

  6. can't wait to see your DIY project!! happy spring break!!

  7. Love those kitten pjs!

  8. Yay, spring break! Can't wait to hear what you end up reading (and while our weather is indeed a bit sad, it will at least be good for curling up under a blanket...). And yay quinoa and running! Two staples in my life :) I want to try that salad recipe soon too.

  9. ahhh those kitty pjs!! love. and a nothing party is such a great idea!

  10. Happy spring break! I can't wait to see your DIY projects. I love that you wore your jammies to work for PJ day. I worked with a lady at my old school who refused to do it. She was real fun, not!

  11. What adorable PJ's. :-) Have a wonderful spring break!

  12. A couple who Pinterests together, stays together.He's a keeper! :)
