
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cincinnati Bloggers unite...

I'm only a week late in posting this, but better late than never right? All I have to say is that Cincinnati bloggers...they are pretty awesome. I met up with Erin, Katie, Sarah and Jax for Sushi and wine at Aroma and we acted like it was a usual thing. We talked about all the latest blog gossip or blogsip as Katie and Sarah would say, then we caught up on our "real" lives. I loved hanging out with these ladies and can't wait to do it again!


  1. looks like so much fun! i tried aroma once and really liked it :D

  2. Agreed! It was completely normally like we do that weekly. Love it. So good to see you again.

  3. So fun! It looks like a great time :)

  4. Oh-What-Fun! You girls look like you are having a ball. xo Diana

  5. Oh fun! Looks like you had a great time! I love meet ups! :)

  6. Let's hang out every week, deal?! :)

  7. I didn't know you where from Cincinnati! I've lived there all my life! I moved away for college and never moved back =( All my family is still there! I am actually going back in May for my sisters wedding! I lived in Norwood when I was really young and in high school we moved just over the river the KY. Small world =)

  8. How fun! I would LOVE to do a blogger meet up - I'm going to have to keep my eye out for a local one. :)

    P.S. Check out my spring beauty giveaway on See Mo Go.!

  9. I want to be in Cincinnati!!! Maybe I can get a job where I just travel around to different blog meetups?! Is that a thing?:-) haha. xoxo

  10. how fun!! that sushi looks really really good. i love blogger meet-ups

  11. It looks like you guys had a GREAT time! I wish there was more opportunity to connect with bloggers in my area. I guess I should just try to make it happen!

  12. Sounds like you guys had a great time! I love sushi, wish we had a place like that here!
