
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My go to meal for new mommies...

Whenever I hear of a family or friend who needs a meal (lately it's been all my friends who've had babies) this is my go to meal. It's simple, it's easy, it's not lasagna! One of my mom's best friends gave me this recipe for Taco Pie at one of my bridal showers and I've been making it ever since!

We look pretty cute with a baby right? Haha. Someday...
 Cast of Characters:
1 lb. Ground Turkey, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 1 cup crushed Taco Flavored Doritos (or Fritos), 1 packet Taco Seasoning, 8oz. Sour cream, Shredded Cheese
one. Cook ground beef until browned, add taco seasoning and 1/2 cup water, stir and let simmer for 5-10 minutes
two. Press crescent roll onto bottom of pie pan or casserole dish
three. Add cooked meat to crescent roll crust
four. Add 1/2 cup of crushed Taco flavored Doritos on top of meat
five. Add 8 oz. sour cream, spread over meat and chips
six. Add cheese and top with remaining 1/2 cup of crushed chips

Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes, cut and serve warm OR if you are taking it to a friend, keep refrigerated until delivery and pass along baking instructions and a recipe card because they will ask you for the recipe!


  1. That sounds good- We have something similar but I like the use of the crescent roll crust. This is an easier recipe than my own! Love it- xo Diana

  2. This looks super yummy AND easy! Thanks for the suggestion:-)

  3. I love anything taco! We will have to try this!!

  4. I would welcome this meal with open arms if I was in need of a prepared meal, haha! Looks and sounds delicious. I'm a sucker for anything Mexican...yum!


  5. This looks AMAZING! I would consider having a baby if it meant my friends would bring me these types of meals every day! :)

    See Mo Go.

  6. Looks good! You're a good friend to bring over a meal. I will have to keep this recipe handy!

  7. yummm, i remember when you made this one night when we baked macarons... so good!!

  8. This looks so yummy!! I will definitely be trying this out!!!

  9. Taco anything sounds good to me! I'd just have to omit the meat. You are such a thoughtful friend to do this for your new mommy pals.

  10. That looks and sounds so super yummy! I pinned this baby in a heart beat... ;)

  11. Oh my gosh, that looks soooo good! I'm definitely going to try it!

  12. :-o My mouth is watering! I'm definitely going to have to try this recipe..looks delicious! Thanks for sharing :).

  13. It seems like we are just in that stage of life where we always have another friend who has just had a baby. Our go-to meal to take to new mommies is white chicken enchiladas. :) This looks super delicious, I bet your friends love it!

  14. I lovee taco-anything! Can't wait to try this!


  15. Oh my goodness, you had my at taco. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'm sharing my surprise gift from Lauren Conrad on my blog today as well as a giveaway. I'd love if you'd swing by. xo

  16. Yummy! Having people bring me meals the first couple weeks was amazing!

  17. yum! Definitely pinning this little gem :)
