
Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Update

This weekend was one of the most relaxing weekends I've had in a looooong time. Since I was at home most of the weekend playing doctor to my husband, I was forced to do nothing but eat ice cream, watch Netflix and cook him scrambled eggs. Tough life right?

My sister and brother in law were in town on Saturday so I did manage to get out of the house for a few hours. My sister was craving LaRosa's so we had a girl's date to LaRosa's then headed to Trader Joe's where I randomly ran into Sarah. I also picked up some Coffee Bean ice cream to try along with a bottle of my favorite wine. The biggest adventure Drew had this weekend was trying out Dr. Oz's green drink which I will admit I doubted would taste good, but it wasn't bad. I'm sure your weekends were more exciting than mine so I'm off to read about them!


  1. Relaxing weekends are the absolute best! What were you watching on Netflix?

  2. Weekends involving ice cream are always good :)

  3. I'm sure your husband was grateful to have you taking care of him! And I've heard about Dr. Oz's green smoothies...I may give those a try when it's a bit warmer out.

  4. Relaxing weekend are always much needed weekends!

  5. How nice to have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. We all need one of those sometimes- xo Diana

  6. Relaxing weekends are the best! That ice cream and pizza look great :)

    Happy Monday!

    The Hartungs Blog

  7. oh shoot coffee bean ice cream from tjs?? planning a trip there now to pick up that yumminess up very very soon! hope your husband is feeling better

  8. That's great that you had a nice, relaxing weekend. Hope the hubby feels well soon!

  9. ahhhhhh, LaRosa's!!!! I don't think I've had a piece since this past summer when the Reds were doing their Scoops and Slices, or whatever it was called. I will have to get some over spring break! :)

  10. Yum yum yummmm to LaRosa's! I had some this past weekend too with some family friends- it had been entirely too long!

  11. So good to run into you! Hopefully Ill see you next week!

  12. Glad you had a fun weekend! Low key weekends can be great. :)
